Boundary County Archives ~ March, 2012 |
Social Obituaries
Letters |
News |
March 31 |
March precipitation
records shattered: Not that
many weeks ago, locals expressed concern about
the mild winter and low snow pack, fearing it
bode ill for a dry summer and increased fire
risk. But Mother Nature had a trick up her
sleeve, bringing late snow fall and heavy,
soaking March rains that have shattered
precipitation records all across the Inland
Guard travels far to provide medical care:
Idaho Army National Guard Soldiers from Charlie Company,
145th Brigade Support Battalion, assisted
with medically treating more than 5,000
Cambodian citizens in a joint Medical Civic
Action Program during the Angkor Sentinel 2012
exercise here, March 13 to 23. |
March 30 |
Public meetings set
on Caribou Habitat: Boundary County Commissioners will hold a public
meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 19, at the
Becker Auditorium at Bonners Ferry High School
for everyone concerned about a U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service proposal to set aside more than
600 square miles of North Idaho and eastern
Washington as critical habitat for the Woodland
Caribou. |
Tests should cause no
anxiety, principal says: Spring Break is here! This marks the final
quarter of the school year. For the 3rd, 4th,
and 5th graders, we will start the ISAT testing
within a week after the return to school.
Flooding expected
to worsen over the weekend: Boundary County Emergency Management incident
commander Bob Graham was out early this morning,
checking various areas around the county for
flooding. Shortly after 8 a.m., he closed a
portion of Deep Creek Loop just north of the
Welco Mill to small cars, though larger cars,
pickups and trucks can still make it through the
approximately nine inches of water over the
roadway. As the weekend progresses, the
situation is likely to get worse. News Bonners Ferry will
continue posting information as it develops, updating this
site, issuing email alerts,
and through updates on the News Bonners Ferry Facebook page.
March 29 |
A lot going on at
the Boundary County Museum: Much has been happening throughout the winter
months at the Boundary County Museum. As a
result of past and recent grants, and a good deal of
volunteers’ labor of love, many changes are taking place.
Idaho personal
income jumps $2.7-billion in 2011: Despite a comparatively sluggish fourth quarter,
Idaho’s personal income grew faster than the
nation’s in 2011, jumping over $2.7 billion to a
record $52.8 billion.
California man
injured in county crash: A 31-year-old California man was transported to
Kootenai Medical Center Wednesday evening after
a single vehicle crash on U.S. 95 about 10 miles
north of Three Mile.
School district
settles sidewalk claims: On March 27, 2012, the Boundary County School
District successfully settled its claims against
Walker Construction and Longwell & Trapp
Architects relating to the arbitration dispute
over the construction of the sidewalks at the
Bonners Ferry High School.
requirements for extended unemployment: Unemployed Idaho workers moving to extended
benefits face new eligibility requirements under
the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act
of 2012 passed by Congress a month ago.
Commission minutes, March 19-20 |
March 27 |
NWS warns of
potential for floods, slides: The National
Weather Service today issued warnings that atmospheric
models from north central Idaho through northwest Montana
Friday through Saturday bode ill for flooding, slides.
Commissioners deny
Estates at Copeland Landing: Despite pursuasive arguments by applicant James
Fox that development was going to happen and
that his proposal for a clustered development of
30 lots along the Kootenai River at the Copeland
Bridge was the best way for the county to attain
its goal of retaining its prized agricultural
lands, county commissioners today agreed with
the Planning and Zoning Commission and
unanimously denied a request to develop the
Estates at Copeland Landing Subdivision.
ITD agrees to
exclude portions of scenic by-way: After seeing the negative impact scenic byway
status on a portion of U.S. 95 had on county
businesses, county commissioners in October
requested that the Idaho Transportation
Department remove that portion from the Wild
Horse Trail State Scenic Byway, and earlier this
month, ITD agreed. |
March 26 |
solider killed in Afghanistan: The
Department of Defense today announced the death
of Army Sergeant Daniel J. Brown, 27, Jerome,
Idaho, killed when enemy forces attacked his
unit with an improvised explosive device.
Air training Quest Aircraft pilots: Despite the
wet weather March has brought us, student pilots have been
working hard towards earning their pilot certificates. With
the addition of the Piper Comanche to the fleet, Northern
Air can now train Commercial Pilots and Certified Flight
Instructors and on March 9th, Kenny Stidham of Bonners Ferry
earned his Flight Instructor certification.
You don't have
to be absent to vote absentee: The ballots for the May
15 Boundary County Primary Election are expected
to be at the county clerk’s office on Wednesday,
and those wishing to vote by absentee ballot can
cast their vote at their convenience after that
Court dispositions
and sheriff's log |
March 25 |
Routine traffic
stop leads to big heroin bust: A routine traffic stop Sunday morning, March 18,
resulted in two arrests in what's being called
the largest heroin bust ever not only in
Boundary County, but in the state of Idaho. |
Wood has wide market: If
you’re ever in Branson, Missouri, stop in at the
Big Cedar Lodge at the Top of the Rock golf
course. You will find a marvelous green on which
to shoot a few rounds of golf and while there
you can check out the handiwork of Timberland
Wood Products of Bonners Ferry, Idaho.
Focus on local
campaign ... Please! I leave the self-exiled
tenure in my chemo and radiation cave just long enough to
make an open plea to you; the people your Uncle Bud loves in
our Boundary County; forget the national level campaign and
focus your research and thoughts on our local government.
Super 1 accepting
applications: The Bonners Ferry Job Service has announced that
Super 1 Foods will begin accepting application
for employment on Monday.
Four local kids
compete in Regional Spelling Bee: After 40 rounds, Eighth-grade Woodland Middle
School student Sarah-Jessica Sedy, Coeur
d'Alene, was named the winner of the North Idaho
Regional Spelling Bee March 17, competing
against 44 other students in grades four through
unemployment rate continues to drop: Idaho employers increased payrolls slightly in
February, driving the seasonally adjusted
unemployment rate down a tenth of a point to 8
percent, the seventh straight monthly decline
and the lowest rate since September 2009. |
March 21 |
Marine Corps deny
local Medal of Honor: Nearly 10 months after
Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador gave the
thumbs-up and forwarded a nomination to finally
recognize a local hero with this nation’s
highest military honor, the U.S. Marine Corps did what
the man who made the nomination expected … they
Alts visit D.C. with
Idaho Farm Bureau: In early March, John and
Linda Alt joined 23 other Idaho
Farm Bureau Federation members on an Ag
Ambassador tour to
D.C. Each of the five districts of Farm
Bureau in Idaho
was represented as well as the state president,
some state board members and other Farm Bureau employees and
families. Here's Linda's story of a great trip!
Commissioners approve Ambulance Service District:
About 40 people gathered in the main courtroom
at the Boundary County Courthouse Tuesday
evening as county commissioners re-convened
public hearing to consider the formation of a
county-wide ambulance taxing district, which, by
a vote of two to one, was approved.
Crapo, Risch
comment on Sackett case: In Sackett vs. EPA, the
court ruled in favor of Mike and Chantell
Sackett of Priest
Lake, asserting that
landowners may bring a civil lawsuit challenging
a federal government order under the Clean Water
commissioners minutes, March 12-13
commissioners minutes, March 5-6
Court dispositions
and sheriff's log |
March 17 |
Spring equinox
nigh ... so why's it still snowing? More then 4,500 years ago, tribes, hamlets,
villages and cities across the northern
hemisphere were preparing celebrations in
recognition of the Vernal Equinox. For some it
marked the beginning of a new year, the
impending planting season or the return of their
Gods' favor.
Moyie Springs City
Council minutes, February 8
Valley View
Elementary student council minutes
Add to the spring
to-do list; test wells: Private wells provide
drinking water for more people in northern
Idaho than any other
source, but few check to make certain the water
is healthy. Panhandle Health District encourages
well owners to test their wells for contaminants
as well as good construction. |
March 15 |
County P&Z says 'no'
to subdivisons, rezone: In the course of a four-hour meeting tonight,
the Boundary County Planning and Zoning
Commission voted unanimously to forward to
county commissioners recommendations of
disapproval on two clustered subdivision
applications along the banks of the Kootenai
River as well as a proposal by the county to
rezone several areas along the Moyie River from
agriculture/forestry to suburban. |
March 12 |
Beautiful new
dining hall needs a new name: The
Boundary County Fairgrounds Dining Hall has
served this county well for years, but it looks
a lot better now, thanks in large part to Roy
Krohmer and the Friends of the Fair ... and it
deserves a new name more fitting a facility of
such import.
Final local primary
slate filled: The last of the local candidates for political
offices who will appear on the Boundary County
ballot for the May 15 primary election filed
Friday, and the only unchallenged two
unchallenged local seats are for Republican
precinct committeeman of the newly-merged
Bonners Ferry/Kootenai Precinct and for county
Ron Paul sweeps
local GOP caucus: With
more turnout than many more populous counties,
Boundary County Republicans flocked to the
Bonners Ferry High School Tuesday, March 6, to
take part in the first ever Republican caucus,
and Ron Paul proved the overwhelming candidate
of choice.
Input sought
on Twentymile Creek proposal: Public input is being sought as the Idaho
Panhandle National Forests proposes a project in
the Twentymile Creek area on National Forest
System lands within the Bonner Ferry Ranger
Beware calls
from Microsoft: There`s a phone scam that`s going through
Boudary County right now.
Beware someone claiming to be from Microsoft
calling and saying that they have detected
malware on your computer.
Court dispositions
and sheriff's log |
Commissioners minutes, February 27-28 |
March 11 |
Friend drowned in
the Moyie River: John Thole on Saturday morning did what he loved
to do on his days off; drive his dogs down to
Bare Ass Beach for a run and a walk along the
Moyie. When he didn't come home as usual, his
wife, Yolanda, went looking, and found his truck
parked in its usual spot, his two dogs inside.
scholarships available: Each year Bonners Ferry
Rotary Club presents more than a dozen
scholarships to local students.
These scholarships are available to
graduating seniors whether from Bonners Ferry
High, Riverside High, or home schooled students
as well as to students already in college.
to appear at U of I: Gloria
Steinem, writer, lecturer, editor and feminist
activist, will visit the University of Idaho
October 4 and 5, 2012, in honor of the Women’s
Center’s 40th anniversary. |
March 8 |
Moyie River rezone
proposal draws concern: A proposal to rezone a
number of properties along the Moyie River from
agriculture/forestry to suburban that's going to be heard at
a Boundary County Planning and Zoning hearing next week has
sparked considerable comment and concern, but for most, it's
not going to mean much of anything.
killer sentenced: The man who admitted to slaying the Good Grief
Sasquatch, of dismembering the styrofoam body
and trying to hide the evidence deep in the
snowy woods, has pleaded guilty to his heinous
crime, and been sentenced by a judge of good standing.
Court dispositions
and sheriff's log |
March 4 |
Ron Paul
visiting North Idaho: Republican
presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul, today
campaigning in Alaska, will make a campaign stop
in Sandpoint on Monday, March 5.
Wages solos: It’s pretty quiet around the airport on snowy
days like we've been having, but despite the
cold and snow, this February has one of been the
busiest on record for Northern Air.
County seeking P&Z member: Boundary County
Commissioners are seeking letters of interest
from those interested in filling a four year
term on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning
Commission. To qualify, those interested must
reside within Boundary
County and have lived here for at
least two years.
Scammers still
seeking to grab your cash: Never before in human history as information
been shared more freely or become more readily
available than today, and never before have
those who avail themselves of this boon been
more vulnerable to those who would abuse it ...
the scammers who want to slip a finger into your
pocket to take from you the money you've earned
and to which they have no right.
announces re-election bid: Congressman Raúl
Labrador officially declared his candidacy for re-election
for Idaho's First Congressional District on Monday.
Court dispositions
and sheriffs log
County Commission
minutes, February 20
Commission minutes, February 13
employment better than expected: Revised employment figures for 2010 and 2011
indicate the recession was not as hard on Idaho
workers as originally estimated, and new January
2012 unemployment estimates reinforce the
state’s continued economic improvement. |
March 3 |
Braving a raw, cold day, Penguin Plungers lined up at
the starting gate in spite of a blustery and spiteful
day. |
Penguin Plunge a fun,
frigid affair! By whatever quirk of chance, March 3
dawned chilly, the thermometer stuck in the upper 30s, with
brief squalls of rain pushed by a stiff wind that cut right
through. Perfect day for penguins, maybe, but a little less than
prime for Penguin Plungers! |
Obituaries |
Ninneman Roth, November 23, 1923 ~ March 28, 2012 |
Ronald G. Maggi,
September 2, 1935 ~
March 23, 2012 |
Julie Blackhurst, June 16, 1925 ~ March 16, 2012 |
John Robert
October 26, 1966 ~
March 10, 2012 |
'Chris' Falwell, October 9, 1920 ~ March 5, 2012 |
Catharine Utter, February 10, 1942 ~ February 20,
2012 |
Roger L. Guthrie, August 29, 1930 ~
February 20, 2012 |
John “Roger” Lee Abeyta, November 29, 1950 ~
February 11, 2012 |
Social |
Alicia Hedrick talks of Costa Rica adventure:
Alicia Hedrick, the oldest daughter of Will and
Tammy Hedrick, Bonners Ferry, is in her junior
year at Northwest Nazarene University with a
double major in secondary education and biology.
Last week she spoke in local classrooms and to the
Rotary Club about her research last summer in Costa
Rica. |
Rotary names
Students of the Month: Auby Basler and Zach Ray-Olson were recognized
as Bonners Ferry Rotary Students of the Month
for March, 2012. |
New members
for Delta Kappa Gamma: Upsilon Chapter of
Delta Kappa Gamma International is proud to welcome two
new members: Susan Stagliano and Gloria Bauer. |
Curves 14th
annual food drive underway: Recognizing that the need for donations is
greater than ever at local food banks across the
nation, Curves International kicked off the 2012
Curves Food Drive on March 1 with a challenge to
all Curves Clubs to meet or exceed last year’s
donations. |
Sports |
League thanks a new patron: Thanks to the generosity of Marc Brinkmeyer,
owner of Riley Creek Lumber, Boundary County
Little League now has an indoor facility to
practice in ... meaning they won't be held
hostage to weather anymore as they ready to face
their "banana belt" competitors from down south. |
Dance Team second at state: The Bonners Ferry Badgerette Dance team and
their coach, Melanie Schriner, made their first
ever trip to a state competition, and danced
their way to a second place finish in two
categories. |
GIRLS softball sign-ups on tap: Apparently, too many parents are not recognizing
that Little League isn't just a boy's game ...
and they seem to question when their talented
young daughters want to sign up. |
cheerleaders shine! The
Bonners Ferry Badger Cheerleaders traveled to
Lake City High School to compete in districts,
and not only earned a berth at state, but walked
away champions in show cheer, sideline cheer and
stunting. |
Letters |
Raymond Harris: An open letter
to the President:
Now that you have politicized the Travon Martin
case, I want to know what the Department of
Justice is doing about the threats to George
Zimmerman’s life. |
Weland: I had an interesting email exchange yesterday
that might explain why so many local people and
organizations are loathe to share with me the
news I need to fulfill my dream and the reason I
started this journal; to bring back to this
community a media dedicated to providing local
and timely news coverage. |
City of Moyie responds to letter on
vacancies: This is in response to an
article published on this website March 4, 2012,
and subsequent issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald
entitled “Moyie
Council Vacancies a Strange Creature."
The author of the referenced article was
clearly not conversant with the facts of the
matter she references in that article. |
Labrador: On
Wednesday, March 21, 2012, I was thrilled to
learn that the U.S. Supreme Court issued a
unanimous ruling in favor of my constituents,
Mike and Chantell Sackett of Priest Lake. Their
case, Sackett v. Environmental Protection
Agency, garnered national attention as this
Idaho family fought an overreach by the federal
government that is sadly far too common. |
Rebecca Huseby: Just a quick note to let you know that Jeff
Ennis is running for Sheriff of Boundary County.
We have known Jeff ever since he and Sandy moved
here, and he is the same dedicated, strong man
of integrity and leadership now that he was
then. |
Dave Kramer: This is a thanks to the community and all of the
participants, sponsors and helpers that helped
make the third annual Penguin Plunge to benefit
Idaho Special Olympic Athletes a success. |
Leah Meister: Thank you to family, friends, the Bonners Ferry
United Methodist Church and Nazarene Church
congregations and the Bonners Ferry Community
for your compassion, visits, food, calls, cards,
gifts, flowers, firewood, and paying your
respects by coming to Derrick’s memorial service
and in other ways. |
Rosanne Smith: Council vacancies in Moyie are a strange
creature with laws and rules of their own it
seems. |
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