Panke, runner up, and Rebekah Pinkerton,
the top spellers in the North Idaho
Collage Spelling Be. |
Rebekah Pinkerton, a home-schooled fifth grader
from Coeur d'Alene, spelled the previously
misspelled word "inselberg" and followed it up
with the correct spelling of "bezoar" Saturday
to out-spell 44 North Idaho fourth through
eighth graders to be crowned the champion in the
eighth annual North Idaho College Regional
Spelling Bee.
She'll be traveling on an
all-expenses paid trip to the preliminary round
of the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee June
1-2 in National Harbor, Maryland, courtesy of
event sponsor Hagadone Newspapers. In addition,
she wins a copy of Merriam Webster's Third New
International Dictionary, a $100 Samuel Louis
Sugarman U.S. Savings Bond, a one-year
subscription to Encyclopedia Britannica Online,
a plaque, a medallion and an events pass for the
NIC 2011-2012 school year.
Tristan Panke, a seventh
grader from Silver Valley Christian Academy,
Kellogg, misspelled insulberg, opening the way
for Pinkerton's win and him a second place
finish. Hayla Evans, a Sandpoint Middle School
seventh grader, finished in third place.
While no Boundary County
students earned medals, they proved not to be
spelling slouches, ether. Michael Webster, a
sixth grader from Boundary County Middle School,
earned a ninth place finish, fifth grader Justin
Brown, Valley View, came in at eleventh place,
as did Vincent Bennett, a seventh grader at
Boundary Middle School. KayLinn Magee, a fourth
grader atValley View, finished in 12th place.
For all you smart spellers
out their .. a "bezoar" is
a ball of swallowed foreign material (usually
hair or fiber) that collects in the stomach and
fails to pass through the intestines ...
something Drs. Roland Hall and Marty Becker
might know, being veterans and all, and which
might explain that hacking cuff that's going
around ... and an "inselberg" is an isolated
rocky hill rising abruptly from a flat plane.
If your a school student who's groaned more than
wince or twice at the atrocious spelling, syntax
and graham crackers of this article, than you
might consider practicing so you can sing up for
next year's bee.
Please remember ... syntax is impotent. If you
take a word out of contest, you could very well
misintrapolate it, and thus get the spelling
wrong. Excuse me ... I have to go pat my cat on
the back.
I think he has a bezoar stuck in her