Letters |
Deboer safe after night on the river
April 16, 2011 |
personnel carry Greg Deboer, who spent a
chilly night on the Kootenai River after
becoming separated from his boat April
8, to safety. |
The Boundary County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff’s
Posse and the Boundary Search and Dive Rescue
team, along with assistance from the United
States Border Patrol, conducted a search last
Friday that ended with the successful location
and rescue of a local man.
On Friday, April 8, 2011, at approximately 8:10
p.m., the Boundary County Sheriff’s Office
received a call regarding a vehicle that had
been parked for several hours at the Deep Creek
boat launch with no sign of the owner. The
caller stated she saw a person in a small boat
paddling towards the ramp at approximately 7:25
p.m., but then he just stopped paddling and
started drifting downstream, apparently overcome
by the current.
The owner of the vehicle was identified as Greg
Deboer. A deputy spoke with a friend of Deboer
who said she received a text message from him at
approximately 7:25 p.m., saying he needed help.
Repeated returned texts messages for more info
were not answered.
Sheriff’s Dispatch contacted Deboer’s wireless
provider and determined that the last signal
from Deboer’s phone was at 9:18 p.m.,
approximately 10.46 miles northwest of Black
Mountain. A search of the river was conducted
throughout the night. At daylight, additional
resources were committed, including air and
ground crews.
At 6:35 a.m., searchers on kayaks located Greg
Deboer on the west bank of the river about 6.3
miles downstream from the Deep Creek launch.
He was cold but conscience and awake. He said
that he had become separated from his boat and
swam to shore. He had pulled himself away from
the water’s edge and was not easily visible from
the river.
Boundary Ambulance was dispatched to the scene
and the patient was transported to Boundary
Community Hospital.
Sheriff’s Posse aircraft located Deboer’s boat
further downstream, near Ball Creek. |
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