Schneider is a recent recipient of the
EAA youth aviation scholarship. |
The local Experimental Aircraft Association
(EAA) Chapter is offering one aviation
scholarship for a youth 16 to 18 years of age.
The applicant must be a
Boundary County
resident and training must be at Northern Air
Inc. located at the
County Regional
Airport. The
scholarship (up to a $2,500 'non-cash' value)
will include ground school and flight training.
The application deadline is
Thursday, December 1, 2011, and
includes several requirements such as an
autobiography, and an essay explaining why the
applicant would like to learn to fly.
Over the past several years
this scholarship has helped a number of local
youth achieve their dream of flight: Tana
Schneider, Austin Tanner, and Andrew Brubaker.
Adam Alverez was the 2011 scholarship winner and
is currently completing his private pilot
For more information, please visit the Chapter
website at www.757.eaachapter.org or call
Northern Air at 208-267-4359. Please drop by the
airport to meet the instructors and pick up some
information about becoming a pilot.