Legion Post 55 celebrates 93rd |
April 2, 2012 |
By Mike Ashby
Fodge, 5, was the winner of a beautiful
afghan during the American Legion's 93rd
birthday celebration March 24. |
Happy Birthday, American Legion!
Members of American Legion Boundary Post #55,
their spouses and guests, and members from the
Women’s Auxiliary recently gathered at Chic ‘n
Chop Restaurant for the 2012 Legion Birthday
Post Commander Terry Spence presided over the
evening’s festivities. Sergeant First Class
Lawrence Jefferson addressed the group about the
93rd birthday of the American Legion and keynote
speaker Ken Toline spoke about the courage and
devotion of the American soldier.
Special recognition was given Corporal Ricardo
Binns, who has been nominated for the Medal of
Honor for his actions in Viet Nam.
Some of Boundary County’s oldest veterans from
World War II in attendance were also applauded.
They included Keith Coble, Don Carter, Jack
Offord, Leroy Vogl and Bob Spalding.
Several door prizes were awarded, including a
crocheted afghan won by Alexandra Fodge; a
teapot awarded to Norma Prentice; a fishing pole
given to Jim Wilson; and a cash prize totaling
thirty-five dollars won by Jeanie Ozborn.
Boundary Post #55 will meet next at 7 p.m.
Thursday, April 12, in the Veteran’s Memorial
Hall at Boundary County Fairgrounds, preceded by
a soup supper at 6:15 p.m. All veterans are
welcome to attend.
Call Commander Spence at (208) 304-2910 for more
information. |