Fry Foundation closing in on
August 7, 2012 |
It may seem
early to be thinking about Christmas,
but organizers of the Fry Healthcare
Foundation Festival of Trees haven't
stopped thinking about since December
26! |
By Marcia Morman
Once a year, acting almost like elves,
volunteers for the Fry Healthcare Foundation
transform the Boundary County Fairgrounds into
the Festival of Trees, which is closing in on
one million dollars worth of purchases for the
Boundary Community Hospital, including large
purchases of a CT Scan, almost $300,000, to
smaller purchases like the television for the
Extended Care Facility.
of the Exhibit Hall thousands of sparkling
lights flicker illuminating the stars of the
evening: Christmas trees decorated to grace the
most elaborate home or office.
Guests having driven in the early evening
twilight through snow-lined roads enter through
the double-doors, one by one, by twos, and in
small groups all dressed in their most festive
They are there to greet their neighbors, to wish
their friends “Merry Christmas," to share dinner
together, to enjoy the music, to compete in a
friendly but sometimes fierce auction, and to be
a part of the Fry Foundation’s Festival of Trees
as it raises money for worthy projects for their
local hospital, Boundary Community Hospital.
This year the Family Night is Friday, December
7, and the Gala Night is Saturday, December 8.
Mark your calendars now!
All are encouraged to be part of the Festival of
Trees; those who have lived in Boundary County
all their lives, those who arrived this year,
those who live elsewhere but would like to help
support the community’s hospital and everyone
Support comes in many forms during the Festival
of Trees.
Individuals, companies, and corporations can
purchase sponsorships; an individual or a group
can decorate a themed tree; an attendee to the
Gala Night can purchase a decorated tree or
other auctioned item by bid during the evening;
and volunteers can help behind the scenes to
coordinate and produce the production.
Sponsorship opportunities are as follows; $1,250
Platinum Sponsorship includes premier seating at
an elegant table for eight guests at the Gala
Event, four tickets to Family Night, half-page
recognition in the program, and signage in a
prominent area within the event. $800 Gold
Sponsorship includes four tickets to Gala Night
a listing in the program and signage at the
event. $500 Silver Sponsorship includes two
tickets to the Gala Night, a listing in the
program and signage at the event. $250 Bronze
Sponsorship includes listing in the program and
signage at the event and a $100 Copper
Sponsorship includes a listing in the program.
Wednesday, December 5, is set aside for those
who would like to participate in decorating a
fresh green tree.
Fry Foundation purchases the trees. Decorators
choose a theme for their trees and submit their
selection to the Tree committee. Decorators
purchase all supplies for their tree and come to
the fairgrounds on decorating day ready to
complete their tree.
Decorating ideas, tips and guidelines are
available from the Tree Committee.
These trees are the center focus of the Gala
Night and auction and are fun to decorate. Bids
for the trees reach several hundreds of dollars
during the Gala Night and then the Tree
Committee delivers the tree to the purchaser the
next day.
Artificial trees purchased by the decorator are
decorated beforehand and brought to the
fairgrounds complete, or may be decorated on
decoration day when the live trees are
Festival of Tree committee welcomes other
donations to the auctions including wreaths,
baskets, stockings and creative groupings of
items. Call the “auction committee” for ideas.
(208) 610-4175.
This year, The Festival of Trees consists
completely of volunteers.
Linda Hiatt, President of the Fry Healthcare
Foundation is coordinating this huge
undertaking, which includes the Gala Event on
Saturday and a Family Night on Friday. She
welcomes volunteers, and especially encourages
those who are new to the area to come and
It is a great way to give to the community and
to get to know people.
The final way of support is to attend one, or
both, of the events, whether you are a sponsor
or not. While there, be prepared to participate
in the auction!
Funds raised this year will go to purchase a new
piece of equipment for one of the hospital’s
Call Linda Hiatt today for dates of the next
volunteer meeting and for sponsorship
participation. (208) 610-4175. |