Moyie Mudbog cancelled
August 28, 2012 |
The Moyie Mudbog, a biannual event that has
brought thousands of people to the Moyie River
Road for the past several years, has been
cancelled until further notice, and the people
who put it on, Bruce and Kathy Behrman, are
asking that their decision and privacy be
"Seeing as how my inbox has just been flooded
with emails regarding the cancellation of the
mudbog, I am going to say this only once. Yes,
the mudbog has been cancelled," Kathy wrote on
bog Facebook page. "I do
not feel that I should have to post as to why it
is being cancelled. As for whether or not it
will go on in the spring is undecided at this
The event, which grew nearly each year since it
began 12 years ago, drew enthusiasts from across
the country to Boundary Count, especially for
the spring mudbog, held over Mother's Day
weekend. A second Moyie Mudbog took place each
fall, though it was typically a bit smaller.
The usually quiet area took on the air of a
carnival, with mudbog enthusiasts camping in RVs
or tents, rallying around the nightly bonfires
and spending the day from sunup to sundown
roaring through some of the most challenging mud
anywhere. Many came to Moyie Springs every year,
and having a Moyie Mudbog T-shirt covering every
year since the bog was founded in 2000 was and
is a source of considerable pride.
You always knew when the bog was coming; rig
after rig towing a wide and varied assortment of
outlandish vehicles. Some came in clean, but
many came in still carrying the mud of the last
bog they attended. After it ended, those rigs
took to the road again pulling few, if any,
clean mudboggers.
The loyalty of the Moyie Mudbog faithful hasn't
gone unnoticed or unappreciated.
"Thank you to everyone for your concern during
this most difficult decision; we love and
appreciate all of the boggers who have supported
us through the years," Kathy wrote. "I will miss
all of you, please stay in touch."
Some of the fans have already expressed their
appreciation for all Bruce and Kathy did to make
to make the Mudbog the outstanding event they so
enjoyed through the years.
"A sad update for any of my friends who enjoyed
the Moyie Mud Bogs as much as our family did,"
wrote Tia Avery, a mudbog regular from Moyie
Springs. "They have decided to cancel it. The
reason is unknown and we all need to respect
Bruce and Kathy Behrman and their family and
just let it be. If and when they feel like an
explanation is necessary, they will let us all
know. I need to say THANK YOU to Bruce and Kathy
for all of the years and all of the wonderful
memories! You guys are awesome! If there is ever
anything we can do for you guys, don`t hesitate
to ask!" |
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