Most befriended local Facebook page?
January 13, 2013 |
Mirror, mirror, on the wall ... who has the most
popular local Facebook page of all? If you answered, "the one that
asks us, 'If you could wave a magic wand and for
just a few minutes, your pets would have the
ability to perfectly understand everything you
said to them ... what would you tell them?'" you
might be right.
Dr. Marty
Becker |
It's no surprise at all that of all the Facebook
pages emanating from the northern tip of Idaho,
Dr. Marty Becker, author of the fastest selling pet
book in history, "Chicken Soup for the Pet
Lovers Soul," and a familiar face on
television sets around the world, should hold, as
best I can find, such honor.
His page,,
has, as of a count two minutes ago, 41,128
likes, and 14,844 people talking about it. A
brief visit to his Facebook site or his professional website,, might well
tell you why.
We love our pets. Dogs, cats, snakes or ferrets,
and Dr. Becker tells the stories every pet owner
knows, be they funny or feared, and he tells you
how to cope so that you keep your sanity and
your pet stays happy and healthy.
His writings, tips and stories can also be found
at, a site dedicated to
providing the best and latest news and
information when it comes to pet care.
He is a regular guest on ABC's Good Morning
America and on the Dr. Oz show, sharing tips and
tricks to make owning a pet the joy it should
Doctor Marty Becker is famous, but at home in Boundary County
he's just another good neighbor, helping to shovel a drive
when needed, helping with a fund-raiser for a
local school or serving up
spaghetti at the Chic n' Chop during the annual
Cancer Society fundraiser.
Dr. Becker didn't come by fame, fame came to
him, because he has the uncanny ability to talk
to and answer the questions people have when it
comes to their pets, even on topics, such as a
cat's hairballs, that people don't much think to
ask about.
It's his due, and Dr. Becker could be frolicking
in the limelight.
He isn't, though.
He's attending a class right now learning how
to neuter a male dog ... without cutting.
He continuously works and studies to stay on top
of new methods and ideas so he can keep
providing people the very latest on how to
protect and care for their pets.
He's spending much of his time, too, putting together
words that the many pet lovers can see and
appreciate ... from a pet's point of view.
All that may be why his Facebook page is so
popular. He answers questions before they're
asked and helps pet owners the world over learn
more about their pets, and to keep them happy
and healthy.
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