FIRST Team 2130 robot nearing completion
February 6, 2013 |
Team 2130 Alpha+ robot is nearing
completion. |
Story by Sally Balcaen
Photos by Sarah Schuman
FIRST Team 2130 has finally finished the design
using Autodesk Inventor and is going full speed
ahead with building the robot.
The team decided that for strategy, it would be
most effective to build a robot that could shoot
Frisbees from a mid-range distance into goals
about 88 inches off the floor. The robot will be
primarily a Frisbee-shooting robot and will
climb 30 inches from the floor in the last 30
seconds of the game.
The robot's
finished design. |
The need to perform all these tasks was
incorporated into the design. The designing of
the robot is one of the most difficult and
time-consuming parts of robotics.
The robot needs to be completed February 19, so
time is running out.
The frame of the robot is already complete. The
bumpers are being constructed and the control
board is being arranged.
The shooter mechanism, which will shoot the
Frisbees into the goal, is seen mounted at the
top of the robot.
The design idea for picking up the Frisbees off
the floor is almost complete and they will begin
building once it is done.
In other words, all the main parts of the robot
have been designed and built.
Now the job left is to bring together all the
parts onto the main robot frame.
Different names for the robot have been thought
of and have been written up on the board. Once
the robot is completed, the team will gather
together to vote on a name for the robot. So
far, the list of names includes Malice,
Nefarious, Benevolence, Bane, and Lombard.
In less than two weeks, the name will be decided
and the new robot will join the other six robots
lined along the wall. Since the building team
will be quickly finishing, anyone interested in
seeing the robot can come to the team’s
headquarters at the back of the middle school.
You can also visit us online at or at our
Facebook page
FIRST Team 2130. |
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