City wins “Best Tasting Water” competition!
March 18, 2013 |
It’s easy to take water for granted, but clean,
fresh water is essential to our survival. We
need clean water to drink, cook and clean. We
need it for sanitation, fire protection,
irrigation, and we really like it to taste good.
The members of the Pacific Northwest Section (PNWS)
of the American Water Works Association (AWWA),
which includes the City of Bonners Ferry are,
the stewards and protectors of our water. Within
the PNWS which includes Oregon, Washington and a
large portion of Idaho, there are 12
The Inland Empire subsection which includes the
five northern counties of Idaho and the five
northeastern counties of Washington, held their
best tasting water contest on March 13 at the
Spokane Arena.
The competition included nine entries from water
systems throughout the Inland Empire and the
winner of this year’s competition was the
friendliest little town in Idaho, Bonners Ferry!
This is quite an honor according to Bonners
Ferry Water Department staff, since the panel of
judges consisted of drinking water regulators
from Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
and the Washington Department of Health.
The next level of competition will be held once
again in Spokane at the convention center in May
as part of the annual PNWS technical conference,
where best tasting water contest winners from
the various subsections will compete.
The winner of that competition will be invited
to travel in June to the AWWA annual conference
and exposition in Denver to compete on the
national level. |
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