Mates needed for pirate crew
May 13, 2013 |
Pirates young
and old be practicin' for "Pirates of
Penzance," but more be needed. |
ARGH! Listen up, ye scallawags ... pirates be
wantin' to come to Bonners Ferry, but savvy ...
more crew is needed.
"Pirates of Penzance," that is, a comic opera to
be sorely missed were it not to appear from want
of talented shipmates.
"If we don't get some more older performers,
putting up 'Pirates' will be extremely
challenging," says director David Carpenter,
referring, a'course, ter students.
Aye ... so what be ye waiting for? Heave to, ya
scurvies! Ye don't even have to audition! All he
asks is that ye press yer back to th' task. Aye?
Row yer vessel to the Bonners Ferry High School
music room between the hours of 11 a.m. and 2
p.m. Friday, May 17. All ye need is a desire ta
perform and ta be at th' rehearsal. Captain Dave
will tell ye the rest, and elicit yer best.
"Please consider getting involved with our
show," Captain Dave says, oh so politely.
Ye be hearing no such niceties from me! ARGH ...
traverse yer duff or feel the point of me sword.
And tend t' yon mizzenmast, HEAVE TO, SWABBIES!
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