BFHS Class of 2013 moves forward |
June 1, 2013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"We cannot discover new oceans unless we have
the courage to lose sight of the shore," is the
motto of the Bonners Ferry High School Class of
2013, and today, under hazy skies, this year's
graduates pushed away from shore, their eyes
bright and fixed on a variety of new oceans. Some are off to college, a few to the military, still others to trade school or straight to work. Some reach for distant shores, others have chosen to stay close to home. For each, the future beckons, arms open wide. The Bonners Ferry High School Band played the processional as ushers Cameron Woods, Anika Blackmore, Bradley Thompson, Mackenzie McDonald, Dalin Hubbard and Camille Awbrey seated family, friends and guests, the stands at the high school football stadium filling rapidly, even more filled the field. Graduating senior Hailey Beazer sang the National Anthem as members of American Legion Post 55 raised the flag, and principal Kirk Hoff, greeting his first class of graduates, bade family and guests welcome. Graduating from Bonners Ferry High School today were Loren Taylor Caleb Abeyta, Adam Ward Alvarez, Sally Pearl Julia Balcaen, Amber Linne Barradale, Franklin Rhea Bean, Hailey McKell Beazer, Jessica Rose Beazer, Brennan Edward Blumenauer, Tyson John Boorman. Dakota James Borer, Hunter Martin Thomas Borer, Holly Denise Bork, Miranda Michelle Bowlby, Amber Linn Bridenstein, Jamie Randall Carr, David Chapman, Michael Alan Clarkson III, Anthony Michael Compton, Brianna Ashley Cook, Keller Michael Corbett, Emily Ann Decker. Gregory Evan Dinning, Ivy Claire Orlean Dirks, Joshua Conrad Dufrene, Aaron Thomas Dunham, Aaron Michael Durham, Brendan Michael Evans, Macie Jenae Everhart, Makayla Rene Fairchild, Ryan Douglas Fairchild, Ryan Douglas Farrens, Ingrid Christina Fields, Cameron Lewis Fitch. Kristen Grace Gannon, Jordan Ann Grapensteter, Jacob Thomas Gray, Colton Reed Michael Eldon Hampton, Austin Charles Hawks, Jackson Paul Hazdovac, Matthew Colin Henslee, Natasha Clarice Hinds,Lane Bryton Hittle, Aramie Noel Hoisington, Quira Yaritsa Horton. Sydney Hubbard, Blaine Ray Invernon, Jansen Matthias Jelinek, Christopher Duane Jones, Hannah Marie Jones-Kelso, Alaina Sunshine Koistinen, Carman Anthony Krichbaum, Jasmine Taylor Lange, Bryan Allen Liebtrau, Kody Wolfgang Lopez, Tanner Lee Lyman, Jared Lee Lysne. Brenna Rae Maas, Vallie Ray Maas, Amy Elizabeth Maggi, Dale Rex McAllister, Lakota Levon McLean, Jared Alan Mendenhall, Allyson Rene Merrifield, Joshua David Miller, Evan Matthew Moe, Anthony James Morgan, Ryan Kent Mullison, Mariah Lynn Munson. Shyann Don Murphy, Elizabeth Jane Newhouse, Jordan Kyley Linn Osborne, Tessa Renee Payne, Jordan Nicholas Pease-Blevins, Daniel Winsett Pemp, Alexander Grant Perkins, Leah Adaline Peycke, Isaac Andrew Thomas Price, Noah Thomas Price, Eliabth Dawn Racer, Andrew James Reed. Kody Michael Rice, Daniel Walter Ryan, Zachary M. Sabin, Aimee Nicole Sayers, Trevor Dean Schneider, Sarah Elizabeth Schuman, Brittany Jade Shields, Garrett Blaine Skeen, Aaron Cory Smith, Carl Dean Smith, Christina Maria Ruth Soriano, Lindsay Taylor Taggart, Jessica Violet Thissell, Mark Adam Tingley, Darian Nicole Tompkins, Kayti Elizabeth Tompkins, Keaton Smith Tremble. Courtney Ann Tucker, Joshua Ray Tucker, Cade Michael Umphenour, Michael Kenneth Vigil, Belle Simone Wages, Justin Scott Warden, Michael Carl Warren, William Patrick Weir, Justin Garvin Williams, Zachary Elijah Wilson and Jesse Lane Woods. In addition, two foreign exchange students, who received a completion diploma, graduated; Elena Gomez de Salazar and Elisabeth MarieAngele Soougne. |