Rotary donates to Memorial Park
January 22, 2014 |
By Bill McClintock
The Bonners Ferry Rotary Club has donated
$10,000 to the Parks and Recreation Department’s
Memorial Park Project for new playground
equipment under Phase 1 of a 3-phase overall
Memorial Park will be located next to the
covered concrete slab at the fairgrounds.
The current equipment is over 50 years old and
is unsafe. It will be removed from the site
except for the swing set, which is proposed to
be refurbished and will remain. With Rotary’s
$10,000 donation, the Phase 1 equipment order
should be acted upon shortly. Approximately 30
percent of the total overall three-phased
project cost remains and is proposed to be
generated from future fundraising efforts and
the county.
Rotary would like to thank all of the members of
the community who have helped support our
various fundraiser projects that allow us to
return these funds back to our community. Over
the years we have raised funds through the
Kootenai River Bike Ride, Rotary Calendar
Drawing sales, SWISH, the Community Breakfast &
Silent Auction, and donations by Rotarians,
sponsors, and other benefactors that trust
Rotary to make sound decisions.
Each year we distribute college scholarships in
excess of $10,000.
We work on many other community projects and
participate in national and international
projects. You can see some of the things we do
by visiting our website by
clicking here.
You will find a wide variety of people who share
their Tuesday lunch time and fellowship while
helping make Bonners Ferry and Boundary County a
better place to live. There are currently 38
active members and two honorary members who
represent many different careers and age groups.
This diversity is what makes Rotary unique and
guarantees that they’ll always have new ideas
for giving back to this community for each
coming year. |
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