Fire destroys contents of Highland Flats home
April 11, 2014 |
While firefighters from three departments were
able to save the shell, the interior and
contents of a storage building with upstairs
living quarters were completely destroyed by
fire Thursday afternoon, leaving an elderly man
and his dog homeless and lacking.
But already, the community is coming together to
help Stanley Graff, 70, and Sheniece get back on
their feet.
Report of the fire near Four Corners in Highland
Flats came in at 1:22 p.m. April 10, and South
Boundary firefighters responded quickly, but
their efforts were hampered by thick smoke, high
winds and boggy ground hampered efforts.
"The only places we could set up our apparatus
were downwind, so not only were we fighting the
fire, we had to contend with the smoke as well,"
South Boundary Fire Chief Tony Rohrwasser said.
Crews were able, with difficulty, to stretch a
line to a nearby pond in short time and keep the
fire from spreading, but because of adverse
conditions, they called for mutual aid
assistance from Paradise Valley and North Bench
fire departments.
Graff suffered minor burns trying to save some
of his belongings, but his efforts were
unsuccessful and all he came out with were the
clothes he was wearing, which didn't include a
coat or his shoes, as he was wearing slippers at
the time. He was treated and released at
Boundary Community Hospital.
Even as smoke poured from his home, neighbors
began working to help. While Stan was put up at
the Naples Inn, one neighbor graciously took in
Sheniece. Another, Beth Berry, began making
arrangements to get them the essentials they'll
need to get back on their feet.
Stan is meeting with a Red Cross liaison today.
"This community is wonderful!" Beth said.
"Jacob's is donating a dog care kit and Hope
House is donating some items. All donations for
Stan can go to Caring People for Animals thanks
to Barbara Brown and they are also offering Stan
some of what he needs, which is very nice of
According to Beth, Stan wears size 9 1/2 shoes,
and size medium clothing, larger rather than
smaller. She estimates a 30-inch inseam for his
pants, and said he's in need of socks,
underwear, toiletry items, towels and a wallet.
In addition, he'll need kitchen items, utensils,
plates, cookware and silverware; basic
furnishings, blankets ... all the items needed
to live and be independent. He also needs dog
food, dog treats and food and water dishes for a
large dog for Sheniece.
Items are being collected for him at Caring
People for Animals, 6410 Main Street in Bonners
Cause of the fire is undetermined as yet, though
Rohrwasser said no foul play is suspected. With
wisps of smoke still rising, he and the state
fire marshal began an investigation to make a
determination this morning. |
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