Bonners Ferry High School robotics season kicks
off |
January 15, 2018 |
By Rayan Naylor
Saturday, January 6, marked the annual FIRST
Robotics season Kickoff. At 7:30 a.m., Bonners
Ferry High School FIRST Team 2130 Alpha+
gathered at the robotics clubhouse and excitedly
watched this year’s reveal for the game, FIRST
The game animation was viewed by other FIRST
teams all over the world.
FIRST POWER UP involves two alliances of three
teams each, with each team controlling a robot
and performing specific tasks on a field to
score points. Teams are required to place milk
crates, or "power cubes," on large balancing
scales to tip the scale and gain ownership.
Alliances can also trade power cubes for power
ups, giving them a temporary advantage in the
game. At the end of the game, robots can climb
the tower attached to the center balancing
scale, giving them additional points.
To view the game animation,
click here.
Team members spent several hours getting to know
the game, examining the rules and regulations
and brainstorming possible strategies together.
Alpha+ now has six weeks to prepare a robot to
play FIRST POWER UP and compete in the two
regionals the team plans to attend.
“I was impressed with how well the team was able
to work together and do problem solving,” said
team captain Malachi Rivkin.
“We’re off to a great start, and we have 45 more
days of work,” said robotics mentor Ed Katz. |
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