Night of Nativities and Carols event dazzles |
December 20, 2014 |
Can you imagine 133 Christmas nativity scenes on
display in a beautiful and festive setting, with
live performances of Christmas music helping to
set a tone fitting for a peaceful holiday
This remarkable Christmas event was held earlier
today, one that is planned to become an annual
holiday event in Boundary County.
The Night of Nativities and Carols was just
that, featuring nativity sets on display that
were unique and beautiful, with many from around
the world, and live musical performances of
Christmas music throughout the evening.

The nativity scenes were beautifully displayed
on tables surrounded with Christmas lights,
greenery, and lovely, detailed, and very large
Christmas-themed mural backdrops painted by
local artist Kathy Taylor. Several of the
nativity sets were from other countries,
including Germany, Jordan, Israel, and others,
including one from Uganda.
Live performers presented Christmas music,
switching artists about every 15 to 30 minutes
through the entire evening. These performances
included vocal presentations, both solos and in
groups, also piano, violin, and a flute
performance. Christina Walker, daughter of
Community Hospital registered nurse Ranelle
Walker, traveled all the way down from Creston
to play Christmas carols on her harp. The
Bonners Ferry High School Honor Choir, conducted
by David Carpenter, impressed everyone with the
well-honed performances of various Christmas
carols they presented.
(Story continues below these photos)

A side room down the hall featured short
Christmas-themed videos of three to seven minute
duration, and of course there were great
refreshments. This was an open house sort of an
event, with no formal program. Crowds of people
wandered in and out throughout the evening,
touring the nativity displays, stopping to
listen to the ongoing Christmas musical
performances, and trying the refreshments before
heading back for home.
Organizers of the event wish to thank all the
many people who donated their unique and prized
nativity scenes for display, and the many
musical performers who contributed their talents
to make the evening so enjoyable. They are
planning on securing even more nativities for
next year.

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