Gear Up program helps students prepare
to further their education |
January 30, 2015 |
by Katie Colson
Sometimes in rural areas, there are obstacles
that might interfere with students attaining
post high school education--obstacles that
aren't factors in larger, more metropolitan
areas. Gear Up is a program that offers targeted
early intervention services to students to
improve academic achievement and readiness for
postsecondary education.

Gear Up is a Federal Program implemented and run
by individual states. The purpose of this
program is to “gain early awareness and
readiness for undergraduate programs.” Each
state has its own method for implementing the
program. Here in Bonners Ferry, they are
starting with two classes, the current freshman
and sophomores, and will follow them until
college. There are 25 of these programs
currently in Idaho.
The program here in Bonners Ferry began four
years ago. Mrs. Bayer applied to bring the
program here, and was accepted based on
graduation rates, free and reduced lunch, and
the poverty rate. The program is run at the
Bonners Ferry High School by Paula Petesch. She
is enthusiastic about the program’s promise and
wants it, and the students, to meet their full
potential. Mrs. Petesch puts together a list of
program ideas at the beginning of each year, and
applies for a budget from that information.
Mrs. Petesch has taken students on trips to
colleges in the surrounding area. North Idaho
College, the University of Idaho, and Gonzaga
are a few of the schools they have visited. They
have attended S.T.E.M. expos, where science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics career
are presented. The program also helps to pay for
ACT and SAT tests. There are now two practice
tests, the Explore and Inspire tests that the
students can take free of charge to practice for
the ACT.
Mrs. Petesch also organizes family events so
parents can learn about what their students are
doing. Though they have not yet been
well-attended, Mrs. Petesch hopes that will
improve in the future. In the next few years
Mrs. Petesch hopes to take the kids to the Idaho
Gear Up summit, a week-long event in Boise,
There has been a marked improvement in college
preparation in the students that are part of the
program. A large portion of the students have
better grades and more extracurricular
involvement. Mrs. Petesch believes there would
be an even greater impact if the Gear Up program
were to become an actual class. The students
would have a focused time to learn about
post-secondary opportunities, and work towards
their future.
For more information about Gear Up, please visit
the District website:
http://bcms-bcsd-id.schoolloop.com/cms/page_view?d=x&piid=&vpid=1326186248973&group_id=1325749100048&no_controls=t |
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