Bonners Ferry High School FIRST Robotics Team
is awarded 3D printer |
February 6, 2015 |
by Ellie Rodgers
Ferry High School FIRST Robotics Team 2130
Alpha+ is excited to share the news that we were
chosen to receive an EKOCYCLE™ Cube® 3D Printer
for our Robotics team. 3D Systems, Inc. produces
3D printers that use post-consumer recycled
plastic to create three dimensional objects up
to 6 x 6 x 6 inch dimension.
3D Systems, Inc. in partnership with The
Coca-Cola Company, challenged thousands of FIRST
Tech Challenge teams and FIRST Robotics teams
around the world to write essay proposals
detailing how they would use a 3D printer.
Alpha+ was one of the successful teams to be
awarded a 3D printer.
Alpha+ hopes to utilize the printer to construct
parts for our robot, prepare displays for the
high school, and have demonstrations for our
community, highlighting the importance of
advanced technology.
FIRST Robotics Team 2130 Alpha+ is extremely
grateful to 3D Systems and The Coca-Cola Company
for this opportunity.

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