Parent Advisory Council works hard for
school district students and staff |
September 8, 2015 |
by McKenzie MacDonald
Everyone in the community knows about the School
Board and district trustees, the Superintendent
and the Parent / Teacher Organizations (PTOs)
that are a part of individual schools; but what
about the Parent Advisory Council (the PAC)?
Since September 2014, the PAC has been serving
as a subcommittee of the School Board, and has
been working to make our school district a
better place to learn and work.
In the spring of 2014, there were quite a few
rumors going around about the possibility of
closing Naples Elementary. “Interested parents
began looking into the formation of a formal
group,” said Niki Weaver, Chair of the PAC.
“Working with the Board Chair, David Brinkman
and then [former] Superintendent Dick Conley led
to establishing such a group in our district.”

The primary purpose of the PAC is to advise the
Board of parents’ perspectives and to provide
recommendations in relation to other district
issues. “PAC provides parents and guardians with
an opportunity to actively participate in their
children’s education,” said Ms. Weaver. “PAC is
a formal way to include parent perspective in
the district’s decision-making process.”
While, at first glance, PAC may seem very
similar to a P.T.O, it is actually very
different. P.T.Os work within individual
schools, while the PAC operates at a district
level and works hard to provide support to each
school within the school district. To do this,
each school has representation within the PAC.
“We do not do any fundraising but primarily
focus our efforts on reviewing and improving
policies and procedures within the district to
help provide the best educational environment
possible for our students,” continued Ms.
Additionally, the PAC provides parents with an
objective third party with which to share any
concerns they may have. When it comes to issues
or concerns, parents are traditionally sent
through the chain of command if they wish to
share those concerns. The PAC is now part of
that chain. While parents are still able to
publically express any concerns with the Board,
“PAC makes it possible for their concerns to be
addressed without having to present it to the
board themselves.” By discussing issues with the
PAC, parents are given a chance to have their
concerns taken before the Board in a way that is
more objective. “ This objectivity makes it
possible for the PAC to bring these issues to
the board in a more efficient way to achieve
favorable results,” said Mrs. Weaver.
Aside from working within the School Board, the
PAC has many goals that they hope to accomplish:
(1) Identify common needs and goals among the
(2) Unify our schools/district by creating a
collective group focused on strengthening
education for all students
(3) Facilitate communication between and among
the parents – serve as a forum for sharing
innovations and best practices from the
different schools
(4) Provide opportunities for parent involvement
on committees and school/district activities
(5) Ensure information from the district and
school reaches the community
(6) Create a cohesive and non-adversarial
relationship with the Board, teachers, and
As the needs of the school district change,
these goals will continue to grow and develop
with it.
Currently, the PAC consists of 8 members. “The
ideal is to have two representatives from each
school as well as two representatives from our
non-traditional (i.e. homeschool, virtual
students, etc.) parent population,” said Ms.
Weaver. Therefore, the ideal membership is 12
members. The PAC is currently seeking an
additional representative from Naples, Mount
Hall, and the Middle School, as well as two
representatives from the non-traditional
population. “We would love to have any parents
who are passionate and interested in their
children’s educational experience and who are
willing to commit to the minimal time and the
effort required to join the PAC,” said Mrs.
The PAC meets on the first Wednesday of each
month at 4:30 p.m. in the Bonners Ferry High
School library. “Additionally, PAC members
attend at least one board meeting every other
month, communicate as a group through email
throughout the month, review policies that are
under review by the board, and work with the
school they represent to communicate information
to and from parents.” Because the belief is that
the group will function better with more input
and support from parents, PAC’s meetings are
always open to the public.
PAC has its very own tab on the school
district’s website as well as its own Facebook
page (follow BCSD Parent Advisory Council). If
interested in joining, a person can find contact
information for Board Chair David Brinkman, the
PAC’s Board liaison Ron MacDonald, as well as
information for other PAC members on the school
district’s website (under the administration tab
then Board of trustees link for Board members
and under the parent tab and PAC link for PAC
For the upcoming year specifically, PAC plans to
better review policies that are being considered
by the Board, to continue its support of P.T.Os,
and to provide a welcome back to school thank
you for teachers districtwide. PAC also plans to
be involved with 6th grade move-up day like they
were last year. “We will also be a voice to the
board from the parental perspective as they
review and implement new strategic plans for the
year.” |
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