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Snow storm is over, digging continues
February 16, 2017
By Michael Meier
Boundary County Director of Emergency Management

The snow storm is over, the roads are getting better, and slowly members of our community are digging out.

Boundary County has completed the critical infrastructure snow removal with inmate labor from the Orofino facility. Those buildings in need have been cleared including all the fire hydrants within Bonners Ferry.

The inmates have returned to their facility.

Our agreement with Governor Otter was only for critical infrastructure, and all private work was by volunteers or paid crews. Both groups worked for days clearing roof tops and shoveling access points for our citizens in need.

Boundary County is in no way responsible for private snow removal or its cost. If you had to remove snow from your home or property to prevent catastrophic damage, you may be covered by your home owners insurance. Please check with you agent.

Damage reports are being taken for use to develop a monetary amount incurred by the citizens of our community.

This list may be important if we should qualify for federal assistance for low cost or no cost loans.

At this time the damage assessment is much lower than the federal requirement.

Please email your damage with a description, approximate cost and a photo to

Please remember your County cannot help you with you snow removal costs on private property.

Thank you volunteers for all your help during this declared emergency.
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