Flood watch upgraded to warning |
February 16, 2017 |
The areal flood watch issued Wednesday has been
cancelled and replaced by an areal flood
warning, which means that the chances of
flooding are imminent and that those in
flood-prone areas should prepare to go to higher
ground if it becomes necessary. The warning
remains in effect until 10 p.m. today.
Local law enforcement officials have been
reporting numerous flood problems across Eastern
Washington and Northern Idaho from the
combination of heavy rain, snow melt, and
clogged culverts. Several roads are experiencing
some degree of flooding and motorists are urged
to use caution when they see water over the
road. Flooding problems are expected to continue
through the day as additional light rain falls
and combine with delayed runoff from overnight
rains and melting snow.
Between one and one and a half inches of rain
fell across the warned area overnight. An
additional quarter inch of rain will be possible
through this evening however mild temperatures
and breezy winds will continue to melt snow
contributing to runoff. |
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