The end is near for Boundary County Middle
School! |
May 1, 2017 |
By Principal David Miles II
The end of another school year is upon us. This
is the next to last article to be written this
school year. It is always surprising when this
time of the year seems to come so quickly.
The end of the year is a perfect time to reflect
upon the work done by teachers. This week has
been set aside for teacher and staff
appreciation week. With the generous efforts of
P1FCU and other community members, teachers and
staff were treated all week with breakfasts,
lunches, and other treats and tokens of
appreciation. If given a chance, please thank a
teacher or staff member for their hard work and
thank P1FCU for their sponsorship.
Speaking of thanking teachers and staff, Maria
Martinez was selected Boundary County School
District’s Classified Employee of the Month for
April. She is a wonderful staff member who
strives to help students as much as possible and
makes the day brighter for all who come in
contact with her.
While on the topic of recognition, several
students and staff were selected as April’s
Citizen of the Month. April’s trait was
trustworthiness. Please take a moment to
recognize Cecilia Roemer (6th grade), Rose Owens
(7th grade), Emma Pinkerton (8th grade), and
Terese Luikens (staff).
Thinking about citizenship, we had an amazing
citizen of Idaho recently stop by for a visit.
Miss Idaho, Kylee Solberg, stopped in to speak
about her amazing journey with the message of
don’t let people stereotype you into inaction
and be careful with social media. She was well
received and spoke to all classes during their
advisory time as well as the leadership class to
end the day.
Bringing up Idaho causes me to think about our
own student, Emmet Melior, who competed in the
recent state geography bee and placed fourth
overall! What a fantastic job for one of our own
to do so well at the State Geography Bee
We have others doing well in other events also.
Our track team is having a great season. At our
only home meet of the season, our boys and girls
literally ran away with the victory. We hope to
continue that success right through to districts
and bring home championships.
On the topic of doing well, our students have
been taking the state ISAT tests and it looks
like they are doing well and trying their best.
We are always excited to see the results of the
testing when it becomes available. Thank you to
the community for supporting our and their
efforts during this high anxiety time of year.
Anxiety is the term of the day as not only
testing is occurring; the end of the semester is
right around the corner. Midterm for fourth
quarter is May 11 and grades will be sent home
with students on that day.
Parents are already actively planning the 8th
Promotion Dance another letter was sent Tuesday,
May 2, with information about the promotion
ceremony and dance.
Another letter was sent with it explaining the
8th grade trip to Silverwood. If you have
questions, please call our office. What a great
time to remind folks that grades and behavior
are used to determine eligibility for end of the
year events!
All this and students are continuing to do work
in class as normal. Art students recently
created some fantastic art. Computer students
recently created a unit on 3D printing. Band
students recently competed and earned high
How do they do all that they do?
Don’t forget about upcoming events: Cheer
Tryouts May 15-19, Drama presentation May 18,
Choir concert May 22, Move up day May 23, Forget
me Not walk/run May 25, Talent Show June 1,
Reality Town June 5, 6 and 7, field day June 8,
8th promotion and dance June 8, Last day of
school June 8 (6th and 7th graders have early
release that day, 8th graders don’t have to
report to school until 5:45 p.m. for the
promotion ceremony and dance).
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