Legal skinny on school trustee election |
May 8, 2017 |
In accordance with Idaho Code 33-503, the Board
of Trustees of School District 101 shall conduct
its Annual Trustee Election on May 16, 2017, for
the purpose of electing trustees for Trustee
Zone Number 1 and Trustee Zone Number 5.
Trustee Zone 1 Candidates are Ron MacDonald and
Justin Gibbins.
Trustee Zone 5 Candidates are Teresa L. Rae and
Bethany Blackmore.
Only eligible voters whose permanent residence
is within the boundaries of the particular
trustee zone position up for election, whether
living in the city limits or in the county
portion of that trustee zone, may vote for that
trustee candidate. No other patrons living
outside of the zone up for election may vote.
Individuals running in the 2017 trustee election
must now file campaign finance disclosures with
the County Clerk's office. Individuals running
for office must appoint a Political Treasurer
prior to or at the time of his or her
declaration of candidacy. The individual running
for office may also act as the political
treasurer. All candidates must submit the
Campaign Financial Disclosure Report Summary
Page to the County Clerk's office in accordance
with Idaho Code timelines even if he or she does
not spend or collect funds during the election.
Please contact the Boundary County Election
Office for additional information on the 2017
election at (208) 267-2242.
Trustee Zone Descriptions
Zone 1: Beginning at the SW
corner of Section 10, T62N, R3W thence north 10
miles along the Bonner/Boundary county line to
the SW corner of Section 31, T63N, R3W thence
west 11 ¼ miles along the county line to the SW
corner Section 31, T64N, R5W thence north
approximately 10 ½ miles to the Canada/USA
border thence east approximately 45 miles to the
Idaho/Montana border and the NE corner of
Section 10, T65N, R3E thence south 7 ½ miles to
the SE corner of Section 15, T64N, R3E thence
west 9 ¾ miles to the SE corner of Section 13,
T64N, R1E thence south 11 to the SE corner of
Section 12, T62N, R1E thence west 1 ½ miles to
the centerline of US Highway #95 thence south
along the highway to the SE corner of Section
15, T62N, R1E thence west 3 ¾ miles to the east
bank of the Kootenai River thence south to a
point where the river intersects the south line
of Section 19, T62N, R1E thence west to the
point of beginning.
Zone 5: Beginning at the SW
corner of Section 31, T60N, R3W which is the SW
corner of Boundary County thence north along the
Bonner-Boundary county lines 11 miles to the NW
corner of Section 7, T61N, R3W thence west 20 ½
miles to the intersection of the north line of
Section 9, T61N, R1E with US Highway #95 thence
south approximately 1 mile along US Highway #95
to the south line of Section 9, T61N, R1E thence
east 2 ¾ miles to the NW corner of Section 13,
T61N, R1E thence north 1 mile to the NW corner
of Section 12, T61N, R1E thence east 4 miles to
the NW corner of Section 10, T61N, R2E thence
north 1 mile to the NW corner of Section 3,
T61N, R2E thence east 4 ½ miles to the west bank
of the Kootenai River thence south along the
west bank approximately 4 ½ miles to the county
line (Idaho- Montana border) thence south along
the county line approximately 8 miles to the SE
corner of Section 34, T60N, R3E thence west 34
miles along the Bonner-Boundary county line to
the point of beginning. |
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