Fuller Fur, Feather and Friends Pet Services
opens here |
May 24, 2017 |
Dan and Jennifer Fuller started visiting Bonners
Ferry about four years ago, and after hunting
for property for two years, they finally bought
an incomplete home in the North Bench area about
two years ago, then spent their visits working
on the place.
In September, 2016, Dan and Jennifer packed up
not only their household but their business as
well and bid farewell to the tiny town just
outside Yosemite National Park, California,
where they'd lived for 22 years and raised their
Now, the Dan and Jennifer call Boundary County
home, and invite all their new neighbors to
check out Jennifer's passion, Fuller Fur,
Feather and Friends Pet Services.
"Animals have always been a huge part of my
life, from nursing rescued animals back to
health as a child to being a 4-H leader during
our son's 4-H hog years," she said.
For the past nine years, she has also bred,
trained and showed dogs, operating Fuller
Boerboels, raising and training Boerboel
Mastiffs, a powerful, protective breed that
could easily overpower their owner but, trained
properly are loving and affectionate and ready
to protect their family at all times.
Her lifetime of experience can benefit not only
you, the pet owner, as she offers in-home pet
sitting, walking and other such services to give
you a bit of free time, and also your pet,
offering behavioral assessments and obedience
training to make sure your pet fits in as a
valued member of your household.
"I know that your pets are not only your best
friends," she said, but also beloved family
members. I promise to care for your animals with
the same love and dedication that I give to
Hours of service are completely adjustable to
client needs, and while she can't yet sit
overnight, she can stop in two or three times
per day to provide the care your pet needs.
Pricing is also flexible, depending on the need.
"I can't charge the same for coming to feed two
dogs as I can for coming to feed a farm full of
animals and pets," she said. "Obedience training
is the same; puppies are trained for shorter
periods of time and are usually much less work
than with an older dog who has developed bad
Jennifer has titled several of her dogs in the
American Kennel Club, Canine Good Citizen and
Rally, and she has certified five with Therapy
Dogs International.
Fuller Fur, Feather & Friends Pet Services is
insured and bonded, and rates are always
reasonable. She is happy to serve pets and their
people anywhere in Boundary County.
To find out more, call (209) 628-8073 or email
fullerffandf@gmail.com. Oh, and if you're
curious about Boerboels, visit
http://fullerboerboels.com! |
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