BCH Food Forest Garden needs fencing |
June 1, 2017 |
The design of the Boundary Community Hospital
Food Forest Garden is pretty much roughed out
and crews are ready to begin installing the
They will need some infrastructure and services
donated by community to make this happen.
As all of you gardeners know, if you don't fence
the garden you feed the deer!
So the first thing they are asking for is deer
fencing. They need approximately 430-feet of
fencing to encircle the garden. With fence posts
every 10-feet, that comes out to 43 posts to
hold the thing up!
If you have extra or are a business that would
like to participate, please message them via
their Facebook page,
In the interest of transparency, gratitude and
mutually beneficial relationships they will be
installing a permanent plaque in the garden
listing all donors who assisted in making this
community garden a reality.
The food that is produced by this garden will go
directly to the Boundary Community Hospital
kitchen and from there to the residents and
This is a cutting edge idea. Help create a
garden that will serve nutrient-dense, clean and
delicious produce to this venerable community
institution while demonstrating what is possible
to other communities across the country. |
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