Bonners Ferry FFA places at state |
June 15, 2017 |
The Bonners
Ferry FFA State CDE Teams (from top,
l-r) Jordan Young, Conner Underhill,
Jesse Sandlin, Brittany Spangler and
Chris Durett. Bottom row; Katelyn
Hutchinson, Lance Freeze, Shawna Siver,
Gracie Jones, Mary Fioravanti and
Advisor Julie Smith. |
By Katelyn Hutchinson
Judging Team (l-r) Jordan Young, Katelyn
Hutchinson, Lance Freeze and Chris
Durett. |
On June 6, the Bonners Ferry FFA Chapter
traveled down to Moscow, Idaho to compete in the
State Career & Leadership Development Events (CDEs).
The chapter left right after school on Tuesday,
so all of the students going on the trip were
required to take two of their finals early.
Once the vans reached Moscow, the chapter was
checked into the hotel and the members had some
free time before curfew.
The next day was the Livestock Judging CDE, Vet
Science CDE, and Ag Mechanics CDE. The chapter’s
team competing in the Livestock Judging CDE
included Jordan Young, Lance Freeze, Katelyn
Hutchinson, and Chris Durette.
There were eight classes of animals including
market lambs, Suffolk rams, breeding ewes, two
classes of market hogs, breeding gilts,
Charolais heifers, breeding bulls and market
Many of these classes were placed very
difficultly, so great job to everyone that
participated and good luck for next year.
Right after the Livestock Judging CDE ended, the
Ag. Mechanics CDE began.
The Ag
Mechanics Team (l-r) Brittany Spangler,
Jesse Sandlin, Conner Underhill and
Shawna Siver. |
The team for Ag Mechanics included Jesse
Sandelin, Brittany Spangler, Shawna Siver, and
Conner Underhill; Shawna competed in copper-pipe
fitting, Jesse and Brittany competed in welding,
and Conner competed in electrical.
Jesse Sandelin placed in the top three for
Oxyacetylene Welding and received a state award.
The Vet Science team left that evening for the
first portion of the CDE, which was the written
There were four different tests: math practicum,
tool identification, a scenario essay, and a
multiple-choice diagnosis test.
The members; Shawna Siver, Gracie Jones,
Brittany Spangler and Katelyn Hutchinson, did
their best and after they finished the testing
portion, they were able to go back to the hotel
and practice their performed scenario for the
part two of the Vet Science CDE.
The Vet
Science Team (l-r) Shawna Siver,
Brittany Spangler, Gracie Jones and
Katelyn Hutchinson. |
The next morning was the second part of the Vet
Science CDE which was the hands-on testing.
The team was tested individually on how to place
a cat in a cat bag, how to tie a square knot,
how to properly use a fecalyzer and how to apply
a tick/lice killer to a dog.
After the individual testing was the team
activity where they had to put together a
scenario about the usage of VFD drugs in animal
feed and why the VFD Act was created.
Right after the Vet Science CDE ended, the Dairy
Foods team had to leave for their competition.
The team members were Shawna Siver, Mary
Fioravanti, Jesse Sandelin, and Conner
Underhill. In a Dairy Foods CDE, teams have to
taste different dairy products and be able to
identify different defects in each of the
products as well as being able to measure the
amount of fat in milk just by looking and
tasting it.
Jordan Young also represented the Bonners Ferry
Chapter in the Dairy Handling CDE. Jordan
received a state award for placing 3rd high in
the State. The last CDE of the trip was the
Meats CDE. The team included Lance Freeze,
Conner Underhill, Jesse Sandelin, and Chris
Durette. In a Meats CDE, teams have to judge
different cuts of meat based on their quality
and they also have to be able to identify the
different cuts and where they come from on the
To end off the trip, all of the chapters went to
the University of Idaho Ballroom to either dance
or watch the movie Moana. Congratulations to
Jesse and Jordan for placing in the top 3 at
State and Good Job to the rest of the Bonners
Ferry FFA members! |
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