Groundbreaking at St. Ann's set for Sunday |
July 19, 2017 |
St. Ann’s Catholic Church will be holding a
groundbreaking ceremony at 11 a.m. Sunday, July
23, at 6712 El Paso Street, Bonners Ferry, the
location of their former church. Mass will be
held at 10 a.m., prior to the groundbreaking.
All are invited to attend. Following the
ceremony will be a picnic, provided free of
charge to all attending.
St Ann’s Catholic Church was destroyed by an
arson fire on April 21, 2016. The parishioners
of St. Ann’s, 150 families strong, have been
meeting and worshiping in a temporary building
located on the property. It is with great
excitement that they begin the rebuild.
Church committees have worked hard to come up
with a building plan that is suitable for their
needs, while meeting parishioner and Diocese
They expect their new building to be as
beautiful and as welcoming as their previous
building, and look forward to celebrating this
joyous event with the community. |
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