Locally-acquired West Nile in North Idaho |
July 3, 2017 |
pipiens |
Panhandle Health District (PHD) has confirmed a
human case of West Nile virus in North Idaho. A
Kootenai County resident over the age of 50
tested positive for the virus. The individual
was hospitalized and is now recovering. This is
the first locally-acquired human case ever
reported in North Idaho.
“While several cases of West Nile virus are
reported each summer, all previously reported
human cases have been directly related to travel
outside the region. In this case, the virus was
likely acquired through local mosquitoes,” Dave
Hylsky, PHD Staff Epidemiologist, explained.
“It’s imperative that people take extra
precautions to protect themselves.”
To prevent mosquito breeding sites and avoid
bites, PHD recommends taking the following
* Maintain window and door screens to help keep mosquitoes out of
buildings and homes.
* Remove standing water from buckets, unused kiddy pools, old tires or
similar sites where mosquitoes commonly lay
* Use nets and/or fans over outdoor eating areas.
* Avoid being outdoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
* Wear light colored, long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors.
* Apply insect repellents that contain the active ingredient DEET, or
other EPA approved product to exposed skin or
clothing, always following the manufacturer's
directions for use.
tarsalis |
West Nile virus has been detected in more than
30 kinds of mosquitoes. However, only a very few
species are expected to be important in West
Nile virus transmission. The most prominent
include the northern house mosquito, Culex
pipiens, and Culex tarsalis.
West Nile virus can be transmitted to humans,
horses and other animals through infected
mosquitoes after the mosquitoes have bitten
infected birds, which are the primary hosts of
the virus.
Most people bitten by infected mosquitoes may
experience mild flu-like symptoms or no symptoms
at all. Those who develop symptoms may
experience fever, nausea, headaches and muscle
aches approximately three to 14 days after the
insect bite.
In rare cases, severe illness including
meningitis, encephalitis, or even death can
occur. People older than 50 and individuals with
weakened immune systems are at higher risk for
severe illness from West Nile virus.
There is no specific treatment for West Nile
virus. People with symptoms and recent mosquito
bites are encouraged to visit their physician to
discuss the necessity of testing.
For local updates and more information about
West Nile virus, visit:
http://panhandlehealthdistrict.org. |
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