EAA extends flight scholarship deadline |
December 13, 2017 |
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter
757 has not received any scholarship
applications for the year ahead, and they have
extended the application deadline through
December 19 in case there is someone out there
with a dream of a future in aviation and the
willingness to work hard to achieve it.
And while the scholarship doesn't cover all the
cost, it is just the boost many have used to
reach for the stars.
The scholarships pays most of the ground school
costs, all except books, and the highest
performing recipients from ground school become
eligible for additional flight training funds.
Since the EAA began awarding aspiring aviators
scholarships that average $300 for ground school
and as much as $3,000 of the cost for flight
school, more than 15 have earned their pilot's
license, with several of them earning
instrument, float plane, commercial and other
advanced certificates.
One whose first taste of aviation came thanks to
an EAA scholarship works now as an air traffic
controller, another is flying the dream as a
bush pilot in Alaska. Once someone with the
dream gets underway, there are many avenues
their interests can take them and many paths to
advancement. One local scholarship winner
parlayed that humble beginning into a career
with NASA!
"Some potential applicants feel that the
scholarship is not enough, as they still have to
pay for half to two thirds of a license," said
one of the EAA members who sits on the panel to
select scholarship winners. "Our feeling there
is that if they are not committed enough to
spend the time and dollars, our scholarship
would be wasted."
See the EAA web site
www.757.eaachapter.org for application
Submit applications to EAA, in care of Northern
Air, 64602 Highway 2, Boundary County Airport,
Bonners Ferry 83805. |
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