Community Watch ... |
Sheriff David Kramer |
Beware of too good to be true holiday offers |
December 14, 2017 |
Much like the citizens we serve, law enforcement
personnel take crimes during the holiday season
just a little bit harder than at other times.
It's supposed to be a season of good cheer, of
generosity and giving, but sadly, thieves know
this and do their best to turn it to their
And these days, thieves can reach deep into your
purse or billfold from miles, even continents,
away. A file landed on my desk last week that
demonstrates just how insidious internet crimes
can be, and fortunately, the intended victim saw
the “too good to be true” proposal for what it
was and notified the sheriff's office before
falling victim.
In this one, a person claiming to be from a U.S.
city made an online purchase from this person,
and mailed a cashier's check for over four times
the amount the item sold for, telling the seller
he was unsure of shipping or other fees, and
asking them to deduct the purchase price and any
fees and refund the rest.
Had the seller fallen for it, being a good
person trying to ensure a satisfied customer,
and one pressed in this time of giving to boot,
he would have immediately shipped the item in
time to go under the tree, along with the refund
for the over payment.
Fortunately the eBay seller realized the
cashier’s check was on a fake account, not only
would it have been too late; but he would have
learned that it would be almost impossible to
recover his loss or know where it ended up if he
had deposited the check and sent the money.
It was a fraud scheme that we hear about too
often and a classic set up – if he had sent the
package or the refund it could have ended up in
who knows what part of the world.
Many, hopefully most, victims targeted by such
scams are savvy enough to recognize the game,
but enough still fall victim that the thieves
still profit – and unfortunately, many of those
taken in are the most vulnerable; the elderly,
the mentally ill, those who can't quite look out
for themselves.
That's one of the reasons I chose to call this
column “Community Watch.” We all play a role,
but everything works best when we all look out
for one another, and not just in looking out the
window to see who's in that strange car at the
By visiting with our elders and those less
fortunate, we can learn of “exciting offers”
they may be considering, and encourage them not
to fall victim.
And while internet scams are a relatively new
phenomena, please don't forget to take measures
to protect yourself from nostalgic,
old-fashioned crime – lock your vehicle when
you're out Christmas shopping, don't leave
packages where they can be easily seen. If you
can't lock them in the trunk, stow them on the
floorboards, and throw a blanket or coats over
them so.
When expecting parcels in the mail, collect them
from the mailbox or your porch as soon as
possible after delivery. Realize that there are
those among us who would rather take than earn,
and use common sense to make it harder for them
to take what's yours. If it looks like work,
many times a thief will go elsewhere.
I'd also like to take a moment to reflect on how
blessed we all are to have such dedicated and
hard working first responders.
On December 2, I responded along with many
others to a report of a Sandpoint boy badly
injured in a dirt bike accident at the ORV Park
in Highland Flats. I watched as our Boundary
Ambulance crew worked to stabilize him and
prepare him for transport, and I reflected on
how much EMS in our county has changed and
evolved since I served as an EMT several years
While I haven't heard how he did after our
advanced EMTs and paramedics transported him to
Coeur d'Alene, I do know that, because of the
efforts and high level of training of those who
responded to the call, that young man and those
who love him were given a chance they likely
would not have had just a few years ago.
On behalf of all the personnel who protect and
serve you as emergency responders in Boundary
County, I wish you all a safe and Merry
Christmas! |
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