County roads terrible, for a reason |
8 a.m. December 20, 2017 |
Northern Lights power outage map as of 6
a.m. today. |
County roads are horrible as the main focus for
Boundary County Road & Bridge personnel up to
this point has been to clear downed trees from
roadways so the plows and sanders can get to
clearing the roads.
According to secretary Stephanie Merino, who was
exceptionally bright and cheerful this morning
in spite of the 4 a.m. start time for she and
her c-workers, this storm has downed or severely
damaged tons of trees county road, with hundreds
in or across roads, posing the greatest current
hazard to motorists.
Please have patience and realize that just
because you haven't seen a county plow, crews
aren't sitting idle. They were out late last
night, and back at it at early today, so if you
see them and you are able to get to them, take
them out a thermos of hot coffee or cocoa and
tell them thanks!
State maintained highways in most of North Idaho
from Coeur d'Alene north to the Canadian border
have been upgraded in condition from "difficult"
to "fair." Idaho State Police report that
condition on I-90 are not so good, and they have
been out on several collisions and slide offs
for much of the morning.
On power, Northern Lights crews are gaining, but
there are still widespread outages with 6,313
members without power.
Crews will continue to work around the clock to
restore service as quickly as possible.
City electric crews were able to restore power
after a massive city-wide outage last night;
dispatchers have received no reports as of 7
a.m. today of any new outages.
If you lose city power, call the city office at
(208) 267-3105 during office hours of 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. Outside office hours or on holidays, call
sheriff's dispatch at (208) 267-3151, extension
0. If you are on Northern Lights and lose power,
call 1-866-665-4837. |
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