The Boundary County Farm Bureau
was privileged to present the 2017
Boundary County Farm Bureau scholarship
recipients with their checks at their
May board meeting. Pictured (left to
right) are Louis Balcean, Farm Bureau
President John Kellogg, Brooke Wallace
and Kimberly Kramer. Aside from the
local scholarships, one applicant with
an agriculture related focus and one
with a non agriculture related focus
were sent on to the state competition
(Kimberly and Louis respectively). At
the meeting, members had the opportunity
to visit with these young people and
learn more about them. From holding down
two jobs to balancing two majors with a
triple minor, they are busy folks! It
was a pleasure to see how excited they
are about their futures and their
education, even when they weren't
100-percent sure what their direction
might be. The Boundary County Farm
Bureau would like to extend them our
congratulations and wish them the best
in all their futures hold. |