Commission approves coho salmon season |
August 11, 2015 |
Anglers will enjoy the second consecutive coho
salmon season in over 30 years this fall.
The Idaho Fish and Game Commission approved a
coho salmon season for the mainstem Clearwater,
Middle Fork and North Fork Clearwater rivers.
The season will run September 1 through November
15 on the mainstem and Middle Fork Clearwater
River from the mouth upstream to Clear Creek,
and on the North Fork Clearwater River
downstream from Dworshak Dam.
Anglers will be allowed to keep two coho salmon
per day and have 6 in possession. The season
limit is 10.

The season is a result from the work of the Nez
Perce Tribe, which initiated a hatchery program
to restore coho to the Clearwater River basin.
Because coho populations don’t have early
maturing males, or “jacks,” to help biologists
forecast return, it’s difficult to know how many
will be available for anglers. However, fishery
managers anticipate sufficient numbers of coho
will return, with most arriving in Idaho in late
September and early October.
The Commission also approved two temporary rule
changes regarding harvest, because coho released
from the Nez Perce Tribe’s hatchery program have
not had their adipose fins clipped. Anglers may
keep coho salmon with an intact adipose fin
during the season. During the fall Chinook
salmon season recently set by the commission,
anglers can only retain Chinook salmon marked by
a clipped adipose fin.
With both fall Chinook salmon and coho salmon in
these rivers, anglers are encouraged to
carefully identify their catch before harvest.
Fall Chinook salmon with adipose fins must still
be released unharmed, and the Clearwater River
upstream of Memorial Bridge is closed to fall
Chinook fishing.
Color fish illustrations are printed in the
general fishing seasons and rules brochure and
online at:
http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/public/fish/knowCatch.pdf. |
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