Boundary County Archives ~ July, 2013 |
Social Obituaries
Letters |
News |
July 31 |
BFHS football coach decision pending:
With the first day of practice less than two
weeks away, the decision on who is to be the
Bonners Ferry High School head football this
season will wait a few more days. |
July 30 |
All School Reunion to be a fine time:
Saturday, August 3, is expected to be a banner
day in Bonners Ferry as alumni from every school
in Boundary County, spanning decades, converge
to catch up with old friends an classmates,
reminisce and catch up on all that's new around
town. |
records and sheriff's log |
July 27 |
Crapo to speak in Bonners Ferry: Recent
concerns over federal government debt and the
intrusion into the private business of Americans
by the IRS, federal financial bureaus and other
federal agencies will be discussed by Idaho
Senator Mike Crapo in Bonners Ferry on August 6.
Updated |
BPA rates
going up: The Bonneville Power Administration this week
adopted a 9 percent average wholesale power rate
increase and an 11 percent average transmission
rate increase. |
underway on pipeline project: Gas Transmission Northwest LLC (GTN), a natural
gas pipeline system owned by TransCanada, has
begun mobilizing equipment in preparation of
maintenance activities to be performed near a
section of its pipelines that cross the Pend
Oreille River west of Sandpoint. |
July 26 |
Huckleberry pancakes for breakfast Saturday!
The EAA is hosting the third Huckleberry Pancake
Breakfast of the season this Saturday, July 27,
from 8 to 10:30 a.m. Make sure you stop by the
airport for all-you-can-eat huckleberry
pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice! |
Thanks for making playgrounds better!
On behalf Boundary County School District #101,
I would like to thank the following businesses
and hard workers who donated and delivered chips
to the playgrounds at Valley View, Naples and
Mt. Hall schools. |
firm submits plan for exploration: Minerals and Metals Group (MMG), a mid-tier
global resources company which explores,
develops and mines base metal deposits around
the world, headquartered in Melbourne,
Australia, has submitted a proposed plan of
operation to the U.S. Forest Service for mineral
exploration in northern Boundary County. |
of BFHS coach hiring premature: Despite rampant rumors to the contrary, no
decision on the hiring of a head football coach
at Bonners Ferry has yet been made. |
Horton celebrates 25 years as priest:
August 18 will be a special day for the
congregation at Holy Myrrhbearing Women Orthodox
Church, 1957 Pleasant Valley Loop, as they
celebrate Father Gregory Horton's 25th
anniversary to the Orthodox Christian
Priesthood. |
seeks P&Z member: Boundary County
Commissioners are seeking letters of interest
from those in our community interested in
serving on the Boundary County Planning and
Zoning Commission. |
July 25 |
Travelers tie up traffic: While details remain sketchy, a Montana couple
and their three dogs enjoyed a less than
pleasant trip through Boundary County Wednesday,
Not only did their day not go well, but the
mishap that befell them tied up motorists on
Highway 95 for several hours. |
July 24 |
Procession to escort Kevin Bennett home:
Four Idaho State Police Officers in two cars
will travel to Seattle tomorrow to escort the
hearse that will carry fallen ISP Sergeant Kevin
Bennett home. |
fund established for Bennett family:
is with great sadness that I report the End of
Watch for Sergeant Kevin Bennett of the Idaho
State Police, a 15 year veteran, close friend
and co-worker. 35 year old Kevin lost his battle
with cancer early Tuesday morning and leaves
behind his wife, Jolynn, and their three small
children. By ISP Corporal Allen Ashby |
Yankees fall to Hawaii: The
Boundary County Yankees lost this morning to
top-seeded Hawaii, 22-4, ending a spectacular
season that will be remembered for years.
Donations are still needed, please give to the
Boundary County Little League Fund at any
Panhandle State Bank branch in North Idaho. For
those outside of the bank service area, call
1-888-275-3434 to make arrangements. |
July 23 |
Correction: After publishing the article regarding the BPA,
I received a phone call offering clarification.
I failed in my quest for accuracy by forgetting
to ask the name of my source and spelling it
wrong; I also failed to ask the right questions;
BPA is not an investigative body. |
being sued for online review: A civil lawsuit claiming defamation was filed in
Bonner County July 16 by the owner of a
Sandpoint pawn shop, seeking $5,000 for alleged
defamation over a less than glowing online
review by a Boundary County woman. |
BPA drops
water heater investigation: An investigation by the Bonneville Power
Administration of alleged illegal actions by
City of Bonners Ferry officials regarding a test
program involving a local test of
high-efficiency water heaters ended Friday with
no action taken. |
Sergeant Kevin Bennett loses cancer battle:
News Bonners Ferry is saddened to report the
passing of Idaho State Police Sergeant Kevin
Bennett, who lost a valiant fight against cancer
early this morning in a Seattle Hospital, his
family and several fellow ISP Troopers at his
side. |
gain wildfire mitigation provision: U.S. Senators Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Michael Bennet (D-Colorado) have secured a measure in
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Appropriations Bill to help prioritize wildfire
mitigation efforts. |
Lottery dividend for schools set record:
Idaho Governor Butch Otter announced today that
the Idaho Lottery enjoyed record sales in the
past year. |
July 22 |
Mustang stolen, reward offered: A Boundary County family who'd been out of state
for nearly a week returned home Friday to
discover a somewhat unusual burglary, and
they're offering a $1,000 reward to bring what
appears to be an unusually brazen culprit to
justice. |
danger high: The persistent hot and dry weather pattern
continues to dry forest fuels, prompting fire
managers to raise the wildland fire danger to
“High” throughout most of North Idaho. |
record and sheriff's log |
July 18 |
operation to cause delays: The Bonners Ferry Ranger District will be
conducting a helicopter logging operation on the
Snow Way Stewardship Project near the Roman Nose
recreation area. This operation will cause some
delays on Snow Creek Road #402. |
alert closes popular trails: Visitors to the Beehive and Harrison Lakes
Trails are being warned of bear activity in the
Beehive and Harrison Lakes area. As of July 17,
2013, these two trails and the surrounding area
in the Upper Pack River area are closed to the
public until further notice to ensure public
safety. |
July 17 |
officials digging a deeper hole? With the recent spate of bad news regarding the
governance of the City of Bonners Ferry, most would think that city officials would be on their
best behavior. But based on reports of what
happened following adjournment of Tuesday
evening's city council meeting, that may not be
quite the case. Updated |
From Idaho Fish & Game:
Warning! We've had a grizzly bear incident at
Beehive Lake in the Pack River drainage. The
bear entered a tent (no one was injured) and is
showing limited fear of human activity. Please
refrain from activity in that area for public
safety reasons. Thank you! |
Thunderstorm warning issued: Doppler radar indicated a severe storm capable
of producing quarter-sized hail and winds in
excess of 60 miles per hour and cloud to ground
lightning in the Copeland area, which could
impact the Robinson Lake and Copper Creek
campgrounds and Eastport. |
Governor proclaims July 19 All Stars Day:
Idaho Governor Butch Otter has officially
proclaimed July 19, the day the state champion
Boundary County Yankees begin play in the U-13
Intermediate Little League Northwest Regional
tournament in Irvine, California, as Idaho
Intermediate Little League All Stars Day. |
pilots shine at Northern Air: The Huckleberry Pancake Breakfasts hosted by the EAA flying club are working for local youth.
Dalin Hubbard, age 19 of Bonner Ferry, took his
first solo flight on July 9. |
sentenced for bomb hoax: Robin Eby, 48, Bonners Ferry, was sentenced
Tuesday in Bonner County for calling in a phony
bomb threat that evacuated the Bonner County
Administration Building last March on the eve of
an election. |
on the Kootenai to drop: Libby Dam will begin ramping down early tomorrow
morning to reach the summer flat flow of 14 kcfs
by next Monday, July 22. |
July 16 |
light up Copeland, arson suspected: It's still early, but it's already been a long
day for several Copeland area farm families,
Hall Mountain firefighters, sheriff's deputies
and Bonners Ferry Police after a string of fires
were allegedly set beginning around 2 a.m. today
to light up that part of the Kootenai Valley. |
July 15 |
Locals help Oklahoma victims, those at home:
As most of you know, Oklahoma was struck hard
the end of May by a series of tornados that
ravished the area. As I sat watching the news, I
decided to take up a collection within the
community to help those who at the time were
unable to help themselves. By Kara Lara |
records and sheriff's log |
July 12 |
Tort alleges hostile work environment:
Bonners Ferry Police Sergeant John Lunde, in a
tort claim filed June 21 against the City of
Bonners Ferry and numerous city officials and
employees, alleges that his arrest of assistant
police chief Joel Minor's stepson last February
created a hostile work environment. |
veteran needs help: Barbara Cooper, chair of the Bonner and Boundary
County Veterans Council, has put out a call for
help for a local Vietnam veteran and his wife,
both incapacitated with injuries. |
Tourney raises over $7,000 for foundation:
After 18 holes of golf, the 66 golfers in the
Fifth Annual Fry Healthcare Foundation Golf
Tournament were ready to escape from the sharp
wind and come inside the Mirror Lake Golf Course
dining area for the steak dinner prepared by the
Golf Course manager Ralph Lotspeich. |
commission minutes, July 1-2 |
County commission minutes, June 24-25 |
July 11 |
resigns city council: Bonners Ferry
City Councilman Mike Klaus, elected to office in
2009, formally tendered his resignation at
Tuesday's city council meeting. |
July 8 |
on this Island Jr.' to take the stage:
More than 20 Boundary County kids, ages six
through 17, have been working hard since school
let out preparing and rehearsing for "Once on
this Island Jr.," an amazing musical adaptation
of "The Little Mermaid" with a Caribbean flair
and poignant story, set to take the stage at
Bonners Ferry High School's Becker Auditorium
this week. |
worship leader releases debut album:
Jeremy Ellis, the worship leader at Mountain
Springs Church, Bonners Ferry, released his
debut record early this spring. This month, a
national magazine, "Worship Leader," picked it
up and it will be reviewed in their July/August
edition. |
Class of
'83 plan BBQ: On Friday night, August 2, at 6 p.m., the Bonners
Ferry High School Class of '83 will have a BBQ
dinner available for $14 per person. That number
of reservations is now at 20, and can be revised
upward until July 15 or so. |
Pipeline work set near Sandpoint: Gas Transmission Northwest LLC (GTN), a natural
gas pipeline system owned by TransCanada, will
perform maintenance activities near a section of
its pipelines that cross the Pend Oreille River
west of Sandpoint. |
records and sheriff's log |
July 5 |
times at Northern Air: Summer is here and exciting things are happening
at the airport. New pilots, pancake breakfasts,
and a free flight day for kids are among some of
the upcoming events. |
on the Fourth of July: This
handsome fellow (male / neutered) showed up at a
couple's home in Meadow Creek Estates the
evening of July 4. They kept him overnight,
bringing him in to the shelter today. He is a
sweet, and well-fed pooch who would very much
like to go back home! If you know him please
tell his owners that he is at Second Chance
Animal Shelter, or give the shelter a call at
(208) 267-7504. |
For the first time in the history of this
journal, I find it necessary to divide a story
into two parts to adequately cover an event that
didn't begin until 5 p.m. As a point of fact,
this is actually a three part pictorial series,
as the day's events weren't confined to the
county seat (See "An Eastport Fourth of July,"
below). There was so much going on, I'm
likely pushing to put it all on just three
pages. To start;
A Bonners Ferry
Fourth - the parade. To see the
Bonners Ferry Fourth - After the parade. |
July 4 |
Eastport Fourth of July: It might not
be all that big, but for fun,
there's no better Fourth of July Parade than the
one they hold at Eastport, and today, their
tenth annual, was no exception. A News
Bonners Ferry pictorial. |
July 3 |
doing the right thing is wrong:
Heather Fairchild, 12, is not a bad girl, though
she did a bad thing. She readily admitted it,
and apologized to her school, though on advice
of a public defender she denied it in court.
Doing the right thing in school parlayed into
the wrong thing in court, and according to her
mother, Amanda Fairchild, she's being set up to
be made an example. |
Kootenai River to stay high, but below flood
stage: Due to intense heat throughout the basin,
snowmelt has held inflow into Libby Dam at a
high level. |
July 1 |
seeking the finest: The Idaho State Police (ISP) is accepting
applications to become a Trooper July 1 through
July 22. ISP anticipates hiring approximately 20
new Troopers to fill vacancies in the agency due
to normal attrition rates. The hiring process
takes about six months to complete. Successful
candidates will begin training in January 2014. |
records and sheriff's log |
Obituaries |
Patricia Ruth Bonnell,
July 8, 1932 ~ July 30, 2013 |
Helen O. Wolf,
September 1, 1922 ~ July 28, 2013 |
Jacqueline Guerrero Longly,
August 5, 1962 ~ July 26, 2013 |
Thomas Linke,
June 20, 1952 ~ July 23, 2013 |
Ralph Leonard Collett,
January 8, 1954 ~ July 23, 2013 |
Kevin Blaine Bennett,
January 27, 1977 ~ July 23, 2013 |
Starks Stephens,
July 29, 1932 ~ March 24, 2013 |
J. Langford,
December 2, 1943 ~ July 14, 2013 |
Margaret Eleanor Urfer, May 6, 1920
~ July 5, 2013 |
Robert Ernest Melton,
January 24, 1932 ~ July 4, 2013 |
Virginia Marian Hunsaker, January
25, 1912 ~ June 26, 2013 |
Social |
Tatum to wed: Joshua Daniel Crum and Alicia Nicole Tatum,
Bonners Ferry, are getting married in Bonners
Ferry at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 21. |
Sports |
New coach an old friend in cross
country: Badger cross country runners returning from last
year will be meeting a new coach, again.
Tyler Warner, who did his student teaching at
BFHS and will launch his career as an educator
here this year, was an assistant coach under
Paul Bonnell last year. |
Free sports physicals
offered at BCH: Boundary County student athletes are encouraged
to attend the Free Sports Physical Clinic at
Boundary Community Hospital August 6 for the
required physical prior to participating in
Idaho junior high and high school sports. |
Boundary County Yankees
make sports history: Remember these names;
Raul Rodriguez, Anthony Bennett, Seth Bateman, Kendall
Stone, Brady Bateman, Kobe
Norwood, Trey Flint, Tyrone Larson, Jesse Dunham
and Pacen Pluid. No matter what the next two
weeks bring, they are now embedded in Idaho sports history. |
take game one - still undefeated: The Boundary County Yankees improved their U-13
Intermediate Little League league record to 23-0
Friday night, defeating North Boise in a
tournament for the state title, 6-4. Play
resumes at 6:15 p.m. today in Boise, and if the
Yankees pull off the win tonight, they'll be the
Idaho state champions. |
They did it! Playing, in the words of coach Cal
Bateman, "an unbelievable game," the Bonners
Ferry Yankees U-13 Little League baseball team
pulled off a feat they'll remember for a
lifetime, clinching the first ever Idaho
District I Intermediate 50-70 championship with
a perfect league record of 22-0 and a 25-5
season record overall. |
BF Yankees poised for
perfection: After a perfect 19-0 season, the Bonners Ferry
Yankees U-13 Little League baseball team has
continued their streak in tournament play, and
if they pull off another win today against the
Hayden All Stars, they'll be the undisputed champs
in a tough new league.
That game takes place at 3 p.m. today at
Croffoot Park in Hayden. Story corrected |
Letters |
Mike Weland:
It pains me to write this,
but I feel it must be said. I’m a new member on
this school board of trustees, and proud. I
understand my obligations and will do my best to
carry them out to the best of my limited skill
and ability. |
Christy Lloyd-Olsen:
I moved from Bonner's Ferry years ago and I
never got my deposit returned to me from the
City of Bonner's Ferry Utilities. |
Coach Cal Bateman: The North Boise All Stars, from the players, to
the coaches, to the parents were first class all
the way. We really bonded with them and shared a
great experience. |
Gary Leonard: Once again it is time
to say "Thank You." I know I will leave some out
but I also know that the time and money spent
was a gift to us all. The sponsors of our Fourth
of July celebration are typical of Boundary
County. When you visit these businesses or see
these individuals, please let them know how much
you appreciate their community spirit. There is
more, everyone that attended or watched the show
deserves thanks. Without the crowd
participation, what would be the point? (Alan
would say at least he could blow things up!) My
greatest satisfaction was watching the families
have a great time meeting, greeting, and
playing. I am so pleased to call this my home. |
Mike Weland: Many have talked to me
since the stories of alleged local corruption
appeared on this site two days ago; most of them
grateful that a light is being shone into what
appear to be “some dark corners” in
Ferry City
governance. |
Congressman Raul Labrador: During this year’s fire season, there will
likely be many wildfires throughout the western
states, including right here in Idaho. In recent
years, we have seen fires of unprecedented size
and intensity that have caused tremendous
damage, and we should be prepared for similar
fires this year. There might be one difference,
though. |
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