Social Obituaries
Letters |
Boundary County Archives ~ June, 2017 |
News |
June 30 |
Kids on community service give back:
For several months, the Juvenile Probation
Department has been brainstorming new and
different ways for our juveniles to give back to
Boundary County, through the completion of their
community service hours. |
June 28 |
AAA forecasts most traveled July 4th ever:
This Independence Day, a record-breaking 44.2
million Americans will travel 50 miles or more
away from home, taking to the nation’s roads,
skies, rails and waterways to honor the red,
white and blue. With 1.25 million more travelers
expected than last year, 2017 will be marked as
the most traveled Independence Day holiday
weekend ever. |
The rules on Idaho firecrackers:
With the 4th of July quickly approaching, the
Boundary County Sheriff's Office would like to
remind everyone that not all fireworks are legal
to use in the State of Idaho. Below are a few of
Idaho's laws pertaining to the use of fireworks.
In a nutshell, if it leaves the ground under its
own power or explodes, its illegal in Idaho. |
Tribe seeking two aquaculture techs:
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho has two Aquaculture
Technician I positions open in their hatchery
operations. The application period closes at 4
p.m. tomorrow, and they would like more
applicants to apply. |
Crapo co-sponsors bill to improve VA appeals: Idaho Senator Mike Crapo on Monday
announced his co-sponsorship of S. 1024, the
Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization
Act. His endorsement follows years of statewide
veterans surveys, hundreds of town halls, and
numerous direct communications with Idaho
veterans. |
June 27 |
Dinning elected IACC president:
The Idaho Association of Commissioners and
Clerks (IACC) held its annual conference in
Idaho Falls June 6 through 8, and on June 7
members elected new leadership during their
annual business meeting for the 2017-2018 year,
and Boundary County Commissioner Dan Dinning was
elected president. |
Washington man uses teen girl to smuggle meth:
A Davenport, Washington, drug dealer who used a
16-year-old girl in the worst possible way while
transporting meth in Boundary County has been
sentenced to a 20-month fixed term in Idaho
prison with a maximum of seven years. |
Spokane woman sentenced for heroin:
A 24-year-old Spokane woman who paid a visit to
Bonners Ferry last year with a Montana man will
be a guest of Idaho a bit longer than she
anticipated after being charged with possession
of heroin and paraphernalia. But if she plays
her cards right, she won't have to stay quite as
long as she could. |
Mecham getting a chance to go straight:
A 36-year-old Bonners Ferry man who pled guilty
to a string of burglaries and thefts in 2015 and
2016, including the theft of lumber from the
little white Paradise Valley Church that is
being renovated, will get one chance to avoid a
lengthy prison term after Judge Barbara Buchanan
last week chose to retain jurisdiction. |
A great year behind, a better year ahead:
Being in the proud profession of teaching and
learning for 40 years now, I will start with a
multiple choice question, “What did I learn this
year?” Select one: A) Learning never stops, B)
Communication is key, C) Mistakes are
educational, D) Respect and trust are earned, or
E) All of the above. Superintendent's Scoop
by Gary Pfleuger |
Village project looking for youth participants:
This will be our third year Boundary County 4-H
has offered summer youth programming for migrant
youth in Boundary County and our second year
partnering with the school district. This year
marks the first time they will have enrollment
spots available for other youth in our community
to join in on the fun! |
'Know Before You Go' this Fourth of July:
As the Fourth of July weekend approaches, the
Idaho Panhandle National Forests reminds
visitors that fireworks are prohibited on all
National Forest System lands; however, there are
many other activities that people can do while
visiting the 2.5 million acre forest. |
Jobs you might not want:
Ancient Egypt was juuust a bit of an odd place.
If you recently moved there and checked out the
local Help Wanted ads, you might be tempted to
run, not walk, back to where you came from.
Musings from Moyieboy by Ken Carpenter |
Court record and sheriff's log |
June 26 |
Storm brings power outages:
As of 9:10 this evening, many Northern Lights
customers remain without power as storms
continue to move through the area, bringing wind
and lightning but sparse showers. There have as
yet been no reports of fires sparked by
lightning strikes, but dangerous weather is
expected to continue through 11 p.m. today. |
Comedy coming
to Kootenai River Days:
A couple comedian friends of Tamra Hiatt's from
Spokane will be performing at the Kootenai River
Inn at 8 p.m. Friday, July 7, as part of the
2017 Kootenai River Days festivities in Bonners
Ferry. You don't want to miss this fun event,
and there are lots of other fun events going
throughout that whole week. |
Mountain Springs launching Early Learning
Academy: ollowing the precept of
Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he
should go and when he is old he will not turn
from it," Mountain Springs Church is launching
the Mountain Springs Early Learning Academy
preschool and kindergarten to help instill God’s
love in each child so that he or she may grow to
find his or her courage and confidence from
knowing God’s unwavering love. |
Brown tabs to protect trees:
Have you seen these packets attached to trees
and wondered what they do Idaho Department of
Lands, Forest Health Protection and volunteers
came together recently to staple
anti-aggregation pheromone bubble capsules onto
trees on nearly 1,000 acres of Idaho State land. |
Boy, that beer has a wizz to it! It seems the world never runs out of new and
different ideas, some good but most on the
debatable side as far as being useful to
mankind. About 7,000 years ago one of mankind’s
greatest achievements took place. Musings
from Moyie Boy by Ken Carpenter |
June 24 |
Fine day for
the Farmer's Market! |
The warmth
and sunshine made Saturday morning
perfect for the Farmer's Market in the
Bonners Ferry City parking lot, with a
great turnout of both vendors and
shoppers. And it wasn't just crafts,
great food and garden starts that caught
people's attention ... kitten starts
(below) drew an enthusiastic crowd all
by themselves! |
June 23 |
Trout Creek Road reopened:
The Bonners Ferry Ranger District has reopened
Trout Creek Road (Forest Service Road 634) in
Boundary County. Repairs have been completed
and the popular road leading to the trail heads
of Pyramid Ball Lakes Trail, Fisher Peak Trail,
Big Fisher Lake Trail, Pyramid Pass Trail and
others is ready for summer travelers! |
June 22 |
Team category added to Kootenai River Run 2017:
This year the Kootenai River Run is adding a
team category for the 5K run, with winners to be
determined by the combined times of the five
team members. This in addition to the regular
gender and age categories as in years past that
have made the Kootenai River Run, coming up
Saturday, July 1, one of the Northwest's premier
fun runs. |
Friendly reminder; no fireworks in Bonners Ferry:
As the Fourth of July holiday approaches, the
City of Bonners Ferry would like to issue a
friendly reminder to city residents and those
visiting the city for the holiday about city
ordinances and Idaho State Code regarding
fireworks inside city limits. |
June 21 |
Recital makes music visible:
The Becker Auditorium at Bonners Ferry High
School was witness to a rarity last weekend as
music was made visible through dance, as the
students and guests of The Dance Studio
presented their 2016-17 Spring Dance Recital
June 16 and 17. From Terrific Tots to Jazz,
Ballet and Uptown Funk, the stage was filled
with grace, poise and beauty. A NewsBF
pictorial |
Benefit set for A Blessed Beginning:
Holy Myrrhbearers Orthodox Church, 1957 Pleasant
Valley Loop, Naples, is hosting a benefit lunch at
the church at noon Saturday, July 1, to benefit
A Blessed Beginning Pregnancy Center in Bonners
Ferry. Everyone is welcome to attend. |
Classical Conversations offered in Bonners Ferry:
Home schoolers interested in the classical
approach to education are invited to consider
Classical Conversations, a program that supports
homeschooling parents by cultivating the love of
learning through a Christian worldview in
fellowship with other families focusing on three
keys to a great education: classical, Christian,
and community. |
May unemployment rate declines to 3.2 percent:
Idaho’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate
fell for the third consecutive month in May to
3.2 percent, underscoring the increased pressure
among Idaho employers competing for workers. |
Moyie Springs City Council minutes, May 3 |
Moyie Springs City Council special meeting
minutes, April 19 |
June 20 |
Warmer, drier summer predicted in northwest:
The weather-climate outlook for the coming
summer months appears to be comfortably warmer
and drier than the last couple summers in the
Columbia Basin. |
Volunteers re-roof Vinther-Nelson Cabin:
Volunteers and employees from the Idaho
Panhandle National Forests replaced the cedar
shake roof on the Vinther-Nelson Cabin earlier
this month. The Vinther-Nelson Cabin, located on
8 Mile Island on Priest Lake, is part of the
Priest Lake Ranger District. |
Comment period open on education plan:
The Idaho State Department of Education
published Idaho’s Federal Consolidated Plan
opening the final public comment period
yesterday. The updated plan includes public and
stakeholder feedback on previous versions, while
also taking into consideration feedback from
board members. |
Comments sought on licensing requirements:
The Idaho
Department of Insurance will be reaching out to
stakeholders for comment regarding the licensing
and renewal process to ensure that the
Department’s processes do not create unnecessary
barriers to commerce or employment. |
CdA physician gets month in federal lockup:
U.S. Chief District Judge B. Lynn Winmill
sentenced Coeur d'Alene gastroenterologist Dr.
Stanley Toelle to one month in federal prison to
be followed by one year supervised release for
submitting false income tax returns in 2012 and
2013, Acting U.S. Attorney Rafael Gonzalez
announced today. |
Treasured Landscapes Restoration Project
approved: District Ranger
Erick Walker has signed the Treasured Landscapes
Prescribed Fire and Whitebark Pine Restoration
project decision on National Forest System lands within and
around the Lightning Creek drainage on the
Sandpoint Ranger District. |
Swish entry deadline this Saturday:
The 2017 Swish 3 on 3 Basketball tournament,
brought to you by Boundary County Parks and
Recreation, hits Main Street in downtown Bonners
Ferry on Saturday, July 8!
The deadline to enter is this Saturday, June 24. |
Tribe seeking two aquaculture techs:
The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho has two Aquaculture
Technician I positions open in their hatchery
The successful candidate will work in assisting
in ll phases of production of burbot at the
Kootenai Tribe’s Sturgeon and Burbot Hatchery in
Moyie Springs. |
Settler's Grove reopening after fire:
The Settler’s Grove of Ancient Cedars is
reopening to visitors this Saturday, June 24!
Located on the Coeur d’Alene River Ranger
District, the area has been under an emergency
closure for health and safety since fire burned
through the area in 2015. |
records and sheriff's log |
June 19 |
Oxford Road is now OPEN from the
flooding closure. |
June 15 |
Bonners Ferry FFA places at state:
On June 6, the Bonners Ferry FFA Chapter
traveled down to Moscow, Idaho to compete in the
State Career & Leadership Development Events (CDEs).
The chapter left right after school on Tuesday,
so all of the students going on the trip were
required to take two of their finals early.
By Katelyn Hutchinson |
Free summer meals offered kids one to 18:
Boundary County School District 101 is
participating in the Summer Food Service
Program. Meals will be provided to all children,
ages 1-18, without charge. |
June 14 |
Two cats found in crate at roadside:
Two lovely ladies are safe and sound at
Second Chance after being found Tuesday in a
crate along side the road in Paradise Valley.
They have been given the names Daisy and Poppy.
Despite the rough day they had they are very
sweet and loving. Both wearing red collars. |
Tons of scholarships awarded the BFHS Class of
'17: The list of 2017 Bonners Ferry High School
scholarship recipients has been released,
indicating once again how dedicated and
motivated are the Bonners Ferry Badgers who set
out this year to make their places in the world. |
UPRR to hold informational open house:
Representatives of the Union Pacific Railroad
will be in Boundary County from 4 to 6 p.m.
Monday, June 19, to update the community and all
stakeholders on the Meadow Creek Siding Project
north of Moyie Springs. |
Summer has begun for Boundary County Middle
Summer is now upon us here at BCMS. We have had
a great time this year and ended with lots of
activities and awards. Let’s take some time to
recognize the many great students, programs, and
activities we ended with at BCMS. By Principal David Miles II |
Sweet boy at Second Chance wants to go home:
This sweet sweet boy was found on Highway 95 at
Camp 9 Road with a another dog that had been
struck and killed by a car. He was wearing a
green collar he's an unaltered male and he's
very well behaved and well taken care of. He's
been at Second Chance Animal Adoption, 6651
Lincoln Street, Bonners Ferry, since Sunday
morning. |
Forest recovering after 2015 fires:
In May, the Idaho Panhandle National Forests
planted approximately 45,500 western white pine,
larch and cedar in 126 acres of the Lower Flat
Salvage Sale area on the Coeur d’Alene River
Ranger District that was burned during the 2015
Grizzly Complex fires. |
June 13 |
Court records and sheriff's log |
~ SCAM ALERT! ~ Boundary
Community Hospital has been made aware of a
phone scam using the hospital's main call-in
line, 267-3141 ... and if you have caller ID,
that number is the surest way to know that the
call is fake and the caller out to take your
money, as that is a call in line only -- no
legitimate out-going calls can be made on that
line! According to hospital staff, the robo-caller
attempts to get the person receiving the call to
say "yes," typically by asking if the number
dialed, the one you answered, is your correct
phone number. Once the word "yes" is said, you
are informed that you just agreed to buy
something. If you receive such a call, hang up
immediately! |
June 9 |
BFPD joins 'Toward Zero Deaths' campaign:
Over 40 state and local law enforcement agencies
across Idaho, including the Bonners Ferry Police
Department, are stepping up their patrols June 9
through 23 to help prevent fatal and serious
injury crashes during the deadliest days of
summer driving. |
Mini-moon brightened morning sky:
June 9, 2017, brings the farthest full moon – and
hence the smallest full moon – of the year.
We’ve heard it called the micro-moon or
mini-moon. Here in Idaho, you might have seen it
in this morning's sky. And that bright star-like object near
tonight’s moon isn’t a true star; it’s the
planet Saturn. |
Idaho Indian Education Summit starts Monday:
More than 100 educators, higher education staff,
tribal education directors and tribal leaders
will be attending the 2017 Idaho Indian
Education Summit sponsored by the Idaho
Department of Education and the Idaho State
Board of Education. |
North Idaho lenders, Realtors honored:
More than 269 North Idaho area families became
homeowners last year with assistance from 26
local housing professionals who were honored
Wednesday at a STAR Awards luncheon.
The Idaho Housing and Finance Association
presented STAR awards to 13 lenders and 13
Realtors for connecting these homebuyers to
Idaho Housing’s affordable home loans. |
June hiring event is next Wednesday:
The Idaho Department of Labor will host its June
hiring event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday,
June 14, at the Idaho Department of Labor Post
Falls Office, N600 Thornton Street. |
June 8 |
Rotary awards 13 scholarships:
Thanks to fundraising opportunities like the
upcoming circus on June 14, as well as the
generous community we are blessed to call home,
the Bonners Ferry Rotary was able to present 13
scholarships this year to local students who are
off to pursue higher education. |
Westside Road to close for maintenance:
The Westside Road will be closed at Trout Creek
Bridge for maintenance from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
from Saturday, June 10, through Tuesday, June
13. The road will be open to traffic over night. |
Second half tax deadline nears:
Boundary County Treasurer Susan M. Larson would
like to remind all Boundary County taxpayers
that the deadline for paying the second half of
the 2016 property taxes without penalty is
Tuesday, June 20. |
June 7 |
Trapper Peak, Sundance fires to be remembered:
The Boundary County Historical Society & Museum
has been working with the Forest Service and
Idaho Department of Lands, along with Priest
Lake, Priest River and Bonner County Museums in
a multi-agency project to commemorate the 50th
Anniversary of the Trapper Peak and Sundance
Fires. |
Figueroa wins Governor's Cup scholarship:
Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter announced the recipients earlier this month of
the 2017 Governor’s Cup Scholarships to Idaho
colleges and universities, and included on the
list was Janson Figueroa, Bonners Ferry High
School, who received a professional/technical
scholarship for studies at Lewis-Clark State
College. |
Young singers invited to summer choir program:
The Pearl Theater and Novinger's Music Center is
offering first through sixth grade singers and
aspiring singers a 10-week summer choir program
that will culminate withe three very special
performances at the Community Restorium, the
Pearl Theater and the 2017 Boundary County Fair! |
Time to order trees for next year is now:
The Boundary Soil Conservation District's 2017
tree sale has come to an end, but it's not too
early to place your order for next spring! |
June 5 |
ISP seeks info in death of deaf pedestrian:
At about 9:42 p.m. Sunday, May 21, a fatal crash
occurred near the intersection of Highway 95 and
Garwood Road north of Hayden. A 2003 Dodge
Durango driven by Travis M. Storms, 38, Athol,
struck pedestrian Velvette R. Skaggs, 37,
Comanche, Oklahoma, who was standing in the
middle of the northbound lanes of travel for
unknown reasons. |
Traps going out for gypsy moths:
It’s that time of year when you may see small
green or orange triangular boxes attached to
trees. These are gypsy moth monitoring traps.
The gypsy moth is an invasive species whose
caterpillars can defoliate many species of trees
and shrubs. |
Fry Foundation golf tourney around the corner:
The ninth Annual Fry Healthcare Foundation Golf
Tournament will be Friday, June 16, at Mirror
Lake Golf Course south of Bonners Ferry. Check
in will be at 11 a.m. – shotgun start at noon.
The full day of events includes a cookout dinner
and prize presentations, including witnessing
“The Great Golf Ball Drop” and a fly-over by the
Life Flight Network Crew. |
June 4 |
~ Cattle missing from District 2 ~
A red Angus bull and four black Angus
cows were last seen Sunday evening, June 4,
leaving the District 2 area headed up the hill
toward the North Bench area behind the airport.
If you have seen them, please contact the
sheriff's office, (208) 267-3151, or call (208)
267-5598. |
June 2 |
Furtado wins GROW! spring raffle:
Thanks to the generosity of many local
businesses, the GROW! spring raffle was a
tremendous success! Nancy Furtado was the lucky
winner of the basket packed full of garden
goodies, gift certificates and even a small
greenhouse. |
U of I offers revitalized music camp: The University of Idaho’s Lionel Hampton
School of Music will host a revitalized summer
music camp June 18-24, restarting a tradition
that lasted over 50 years. |
High school writers' camp offered:
The writing camp for gifted high school writers,
Writers at Harriman, is now accepting
applications for 2017. The camp runs July 30
through August 5 at Harriman State Park of
The application deadline is June 15. |
invited to learn of Idaho's state parks:
Teachers are invited to learn about the natural
history of magnificent Idaho state parks in a
new series of classes offered by the Friends of
Idaho State Parks in partnership with the Idaho
Department of Parks & Recreation. |
Comment period open on USFS burn project:
The Idaho Panhandle National Forests is inviting
the public to review and make comments on the
Snow Peak Prescribed Burn Project. District
Ranger Matt Davis is the responsible official
for this project and encourages public input to
help guide the project design. |
4-H Friday Friends plan busy summer!
The University of Idaho Extension Office and
Boundary County 4-H is thrilled to announce the
continuation of their 4-H Friday Friends program
throughout the summer of 2017!
For the past 10 years, 4-H Friday Friends has
taken place on Fridays at the middle school
during the school year. Our after school program
offers a safe and educational environment for
children grades kindergarten through sixth. |
June 1 |
Boundary Search and Dive Rescue to hold
Boundary Search and Dive Rescue will be
conducting an emergency services exercise and
mock search on June 3 between the hours of 7
a.m. and 5 p.m. in the following areas: Snow
Creek Road, Lions Den Road, Myrtle Creek Road,
Ball Creek and public lands with access off West
Side Road as far north as the Ball Creek Ranch. |
'Wild About Kootenai River Native Fish' workshop
Have you ever seen a fish with "prehistoric"
characteristics right here in modern- day Idaho?
The Kootenai River White Sturgeon is one such
fish, and it is found only in the Kootenai
River. The Burbot, an unusual fish that
resembles a ling-cod, is another species found
in the Kootenai River system of Idaho, Montana
and British Columbia. |
BCH Food Forest Garden needs fencing:
The design of the Boundary Community Hospital
Food Forest Garden is pretty much roughed out
and crews are ready to begin installing the
They will need some infrastructure and services
donated by community to make this happen. |
ITD gearing up for eclipse chasers:
Preparations at Idaho Transportation Department
Headquarters and in the districts are well
underway for the 2017 total solar eclipse set to
appear August 21. Officials throughout the
department are planning for the event,
coordinating with state and local governments
and other community leaders on preparations. |
Fishing for kites:
The old Peanuts comic makes occasional use of a
kite-eating tree, a sinister creature that
seemed to lurk around waiting for Charlie
Brown’s kite to get far enough off the ground so
it could hopelessly entangle it within its
limbs. The tree never failed. Musings from
Moyieboy by Ken Carpenter |
County P&Z seeks applicants:
Boundary County Commissioners are seeking
letters of interest from individuals who have
lived in Boundary County for at least two years
who are interested in filling a vacant position
on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning
Commission. |
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